News & Events

December 10, 2020
Congratulations to Kate Lajtha, who was named an 2020 AGU Fellow in recognition of “exceptional contributions in our Earth and space sciences community through breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their disciplines.” Since 1962...
December 04, 2020

For our three Fall 2020 meetings (Oct., Nov., and Dec.), we are discussing climate and microclimate at the Andrews Forest. Given the centrality of climate in our program, in the five Core Areas of LTER, the number of climate and climate-related projects within our program, and in our thinking...

December 03, 2020
The book A Place for Inquiry, A Place for Wonder: The Andrews Forest by historian Bill Robbins draws on print materials, oral histories, conversations, and Bill’s own ramblings in the forest beginning in 1964. The book offers a...
December 01, 2020

Live Q&A with Bill Robbins, author of “A Place for Inquiry, A Place for Wonder: The Andrews Forest” (OSU Press 2020)

Hosted by Michael Paul Nelson, Professor, Forest Ecosystems and Society, OSU

Please join us Tues, Dec 1, 2020 from 4-5pm PT on...

December 01, 2020
It’s Giving Tuesday! Join the community of donors supporting awesome projects at the Andrews Forest like research on forests and streams, Canopy Connections, artists and writers in residence, and the Andrews history project. You can donate at...
November 18, 2020
Field Technician - Resource Assistant An Internship through Mobilize Green, in collaboration with USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station   Internship Duty Station: HJ Andrews Experimental Forest 6 month Paid...
November 13, 2020
The Fall 2020 issue of the Andrews Forest Newsletter, now online at In this issue we explore the recent wildfires that burned in the Andrews Forest and the fire’s effect on our...
November 10, 2020


TUE, NOV 10 (7 – 8pm Pacific Time)

Join "500 Women Scientists Corvallis" and Block 15 Brewing Company in celebrating World Science Day for Peace and Development. 

Participate in a presentation on the importance and relevance...

October 16, 2020
10/16/2020 Final Update: Now that the fall rains have arrived and the Holiday Farm fire is mostly contained, this is the final post to our Fire Updates page. Future new information will be shared via our News and Events. The Holiday Farm...
October 12, 2020
Our Photo Gallery features images from the recent Holiday Farm Fire, which burned in Watershed 1, Watershed 9, and Watershed 2.  We will continue to post new images as they become available.