Email Lists
The Andrews Forest LTER program maintains several email lists to facilitate the distribution and communication of information. Each email list is described below. If you would like to be added to our lists to hear more about our program and opportunities, please contact the LTER Coordinator. Other contacts may be found on our Contacts page.
LTER Long List
The LTERlong list is used to announce large events like the symposia and HJA Day. LTERlong is the most inclusive list and includes all members in the ltershort, ltergrad, and lterpi lists, plus any other persons interested in the Andrews Forest program. Moderated*
LTER Short List
The LTERshort list is used to communicate opportunities and information such as meetings, seminars, gatherings, funding and job opportunities, and site-related updates. The list includes Andrews Forest LTER researchers, graduate students, and other people currently involved or who plan to be involved at the Andrews Forest. Moderated*
LTER Principal Investigators
The LTERPI list is used to relay information pertinent to research activities associated with the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research grant. LTERPI includes PIs and senior personnel named in the current NSF-LTER proposal or annual reports. Moderated*
LTER Graduate Students
The LTERgrad list is used to announce opportunities and events targeted towards graduate students. It includes Andrews Forest LTER graduate students and other interested students and researchers. Moderated*
Science Issues Web List
The lterweb list handles general science questions from website inquiries.
Send an email to lterweb.
HJA Facilities
The hjafacilities list addressed issues and questions regarding the Andrews Forest facilities.
Send an email to hjafacilities.
HJA Publications
The hjapubs list is used by researchers to send publications (PDFs or citations) from work based on Andrews Forest data and/or work at the Andrews Forest.
Send your publications to hjapubs.
Data Requests and Questions
The hjadata list addresses data requests and questions about data.
Send an email to hjadata.
Technical Web Committee
The hjaweb list addresses technical web/database issues from web users.
Send an email to hjaweb.
*Moderated Lists
In an effort to reduce the amount of email SPAM, some Andrews Forest email lists are moderated. If you would like to send a message to one of the moderated lists, contact the LTER Andrews Coordinator.