News & Events

October 11, 2020
The Holiday Farm Fire playlist on the Andrews Forest YouTube channel features short video clips on the fire and fire recovery at the Andrews Forest.  Walk through Watershed 1 just after the burn, watch an excavator replace soil and brush over...
October 02, 2020

Our October Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting will convene virtually at 9 AM Pacific Time. If you'd like a zoom link, contact Lina DiGregorio

For our three Fall...

September 28, 2020
Oregon Public Broadcasting "Timber Wars," podcast "takes you inside the culture war that erupted in the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s and '90s and reveals how the events of then shaped the world we know today."  ...
September 14, 2020

Join us for Arianna Goodman’s M.S. Defense on Monday, September 14 at 10:00 AM via Zoom. 
Arianna will present her thesis, “Long-Term Stream Channel Response to a Large Flood in a Forested Mountain Watershed”.  Arianna is pursuing her graduate degree in Water Resources Science with...

July 24, 2020
Stephen Calkins M.S. Defense on Friday, July 24 at 9:00 AM via Zoom. 
Stephen will present his thesis, “Transformation of Western Hemlock Tree Crowns by Dwarf Mistletoe”.  Stephen is pursuing his graduate degree in Sustainable Forest Management with major professor, Dr...
June 16, 2020
THE ECOLOGY OF SURPRISE: ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS IN AN OLD-GROWTH FOREST  with Michael Paul Nelson, PhD, Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources and Professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics, and Lead-PI at the HJ Andrews...
June 05, 2020

The June 5 Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting will convene virtually at 9 AM pacific time. If you'd like a link to the webinar, please contact Lina DiGregorio

May 13, 2020
The USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station is conducting outreach for a GS9 or GS11 Interdisciplinary Data Manager in Corvallis, Oregon, USA.  The outreach notice is online:
May 11, 2020

MS Defense: “Forest succession and climate change effects on long-term runoff coefficients at varying timescales.”

Emily Crampe is completing her degree in Water Resources Science under her major professor Catalina Segura.

Forest harvesting and climate change induced shifts in...

May 06, 2020

"Measuring and Modeling the Crown Structure of Coniferous Trees with Point Clouds Data," PhD defense by Rong Fang.  May 6, 3 PM, via Zoom*.

This project digitized Loblolly pine and Douglas-fir trees using photogrammetric and laser scanning point clouds. Stem and branch structural...