Photo Gallery
The images in our galleries reflect the history, place, people, and research of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Program. Images may be downloaded for use in papers, posters, presentations, etc. Please use the suggested acknowledgements. In some cases, higher resolution images may be available from the database manager.
The bird population and dynamics study is part of the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The Forest-Wide Bird Survey data include point count and bird observations from 183 sites across the forest, starting in 2009. As part of the long-term study,...
Researchers returned to stretches of Lookout Creek and Mack Creek that were burned over in the 2023 Lookout Fire to collect information on changes in the stream and stream habitat after the wildfire. The researchers measured decomposition rates of the stream and riparian soils, collected stream...
Researchers are interested in how wildfire impacts nutrients of forests—particularly as wildfires are becoming more frequent across the globe. Following the 2023 Lookout Fire, which burned over much of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA), researchers Dr. Georgia Seyfried, Dr. Jacob...
The Lookout Fire ignited August 5, 2023, by lighting on the flank of Lookout Mountain, at the heart of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. The fire footprint covered approximately 70% of the site. Thanks to huge efforts of fire crews, the headquarters facility was spared by the fire, protected...
Dr. Dana Warren, Dr. Catalina Segura, and graduate student Maddie Maffia are exploring how decoupled drought conditions affect streams and the species that live in streams. Under low-flow conditions, trout and salamanders aggregate in pools or cooler water, increasing competition for...
The bird population and dynamics study is part of the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The Forest-Wide Bird Survey data include point count and bird observations from 183 sites across the forest, starting in 2009. With these data researchers are...
Every six years the National Science Foundation sets up a panel to review the work and progress of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Program. The review involves two full days of presentations on our research, education, information management, network...
Nina Ferrari, a graduate student at Oregon State University with Professor Matthew Betts, studies birds that spend their breeding season in the canopies of tall trees. Specifically, Nina is trying to understand what factors contribute to the vertical partitioning of birds in these canopies. On a...
Graduate student Jaime Ortega, a visiting scholar from Panama, works with Dr. Catalina Segura at Oregon State University. Jaime’s graduate research project evaluates the relative streamflow contribution of a spring-fed headwater stream to a higher order stream in the H.J. Andrews Experimental...
Dr. Dana Warren, Dr. Catalina Segura, and graduate student Allison Swartz are exploring how drought conditions affect streams and the animals that live in streams. Under low-flow conditions, trout and salamanders aggregate in pools or cooler water, increasing competition for macroinvertebrate...
Researchers are pairing data from long-term measurements on tree growth and mortality with data from tree cores the learn about the the influence of disturbance and elevation on tree growth and survival. These projects aim at contributing to our understanding of how competing drivers (i.e. micro...
Sensors were installed in the soil and connected to data loggers.
The bird population and dynamics study is part of the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The ...
Aquatic insects are strong indicators of water quality and stream characteristics. The streams at HJ Andrews Experimental Forest have high diversity of aquatic insects, many of which are only found in cold streams with pristine water quality. Studies of aquatic insects frequently examine the...
Stream guages were set up in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest as early as 1949 (see more at dataset HF004) as part of a larger paired, gaged watershed study to detect changes in...
The Aquatic Vertebrate Population Study in Mack Creek (1987 to present) is a long-term study on populations of cutthroat trout and salamanders in two reaches of Mack Creek in the HJ Andrews...
The Pacific Northwest Permanent Sample Plot Program is a long-term study of forest vegetation across the Pacific Northwest. The program samples 135 plots across a diversity of forest types in Oregon and Washington. Many of the...
Researchers with the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest use climbing gear to ascend more than 50 meters (160 ft) into the tree canopy to learn more about the forest and the microclimate of the canopy. The highly-instrumented "Discovery Tree" is fitted...
The NSF-funded Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program matches K-12 teachers with scientists for 8-10 weeks of field data collection and independent research. The goal of the RET program is to enhance the professional development of K-12 science educators through research experience at...
The Pacific Northwest Permanent Sample Plot Program is a long-term study of forest vegetation across the Pacific Northwest. The program samples 135 plots across a diversity of forest types in Oregon and Washington. Many of the plots are within the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. Long-term...
Dr. Dana Warren, Dr. Catalina Segura, and graduate student Allison Swartz are exploring how drought conditions affect streams and the animals that live in streams. Under low-flow conditions, trout and salamanders aggregate in pools or cooler water, increasing competition for macroinvertebrate...
The Holiday Farm Fire ignited the night of September 7, 2020, south of the Andrews Forest. The fire spread quickly, fueled by strong east winds and very dry conditions. The fire eventually entered Watershed 9, then Watershed 1, and finally Watershed 2. The fire burned about 400 acres within the...
The Holiday Farm Fire began about 8:30 PM on the night of September 7, 2020, in the town of Rainbow, Oregon, along HWY 126, directly south of the Andrews Forest. The fire spread quickly, fueled by strong east winds and very dry conditions. Andrews Forest personnel evacuated from headquarters,...
The stream cross-section profiles in the Andrews Experimental Forest study (see more at dataset GS002) was established to monitor long-term changes in channel cross-sectional geometry (...
The Forests of Oregon Elevation Gradient (FOREG) is a network of large sample plots, established in 2019, within the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The FOREG project was designed to dovetail and connect with the long-running Reference Stand study at the Andrews Forest. FOREG is also a part of...