Golden-crowned Kinglet with food in beak, taken near point 271 on Carpenter Mountain Trail
Bird Study 2024
The bird population and dynamics study is part of the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The Forest-Wide Bird Survey data include point count and bird observations from 183 sites across the forest, starting in 2009. As part of the long-term study, researchers visit established point count locations within the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and take record of any birds heard or seen from that point. Automated climate loggers take measurements of temperature at each location. Starting in 2024, researchers deployed bioacoustics devices across all 183 sites to glean information on arrival and departure dates for species, and to potentially provide an alternative to human-collected data. This study is providing insights on mechanisms of species distributions and implications for their survival in a changing environment. Findings suggest that old-growth forests may provide a microclimate buffering against climate warming. This study is providing insights on mechanisms of species distributions and implications for their survival in a changing environment.
"Oregon" form Dark-eyed Junco, looking towards the left, taken on Carpenter Mountain Trail
"Oregon" form Dark-eyed Junco, on top of tree, taken on Carpenter Mountain Trail
Female Townsend's Warbler, taken on top of Carpenter Mountain Trail
Hairy Woodpecker on tree, taken on Carpenter Mountain Trail
Chestnut-backed Chickadee on branch looking towards up and to the right. Taken on Carpenter Mountain Trail
Brown Creeper on tree, taken near Point 80 off of the 1506
American Dipper feeding young on a log. Taken over stream next to HQ
American Dipper feeding young on a log. Taken over stream next to HQ
Dipper on a rock in a stream. Taken next to HQ
Violet Green Swallow on bridge railing. Taken on road to HQ
Wilson's Warbler in a bush looking towards the left. Taken on the 1507
Wilson's Warbler in a bush looking towards the right. Taken on the 1507
Wilson's Warbler with insect in mouth. Taken on the 1507
Wilson's Warbler with insect in mouth. Taken on the 1507
Barred Owl looking through the leaves with one eye closed. Taken on the 1506
Barred Owl looking at camera with one eye closed. Taken on the 1506
Julia Miller and Lucy Heflin walking on 1507 after conducting point counts.
Lucy Heflin conducting point count. Point count tree, HOBO, and song meter visible. Taken on Route 6
Steve Mooney conducting point count. Taken on Route 7
Steve Mooney conducting point count. Taken on Old Growth Trail
The Northern Lights. Taken at HQ, near the bottom of USGS debris flow fume
Landscape, looking towards Lookout Mountain, taken from Carpenter Mountain
Smoke from the Ore Fire as seen from Headquarters, soon before the site was evacuated
Eerie fog in burnt forest. Taken below 1507
Lucy Heflin conducting point count. Taken on Old Growth Trail
Field technician Aiden Place checks on a hobo sensor used to measure microclimate in the forest
Field technician Aiden Place checks on a hobo sensor used to measure microclimate in the forest
Field technician Aiden Place navigates past large downed trees along the sampling route for birds
Field technician Aiden Place in an area along FSR 1507 that burned in 2023
Checking the hobo sensor at a bird pointcount site
Field technician Aiden Place along a bird pointcount route in the Mack Creek watershed, which burned in 2023
This tree and its massive root system burned in the 2023 Lookout Fire