Researchers arrive at Watershed 2 to install soil pits in the hillslope along the stream.
Soil Hydrology WS2 2022
Sensors were installed in the soil and connected to data loggers.
Field technicians Bailey Brockamp (right) and India Gerhardt (left) take a break near the Watershed 2 flume.
Field technician Bailey Brockamp digs a soil pit for sensor installation.
Field technicians work to dig soil pits near the Watershed 2 gauge station.
Experimental Watershed 2 before entering the flume and sediment basin.
Field technician Bailey Brockamp collects a soil sample for laboratory analysis.
A soil sample is collected in Watershed 2 for laboratory analysis.
Field equipment displaying the logo of Catalina Segura's Watershed Processes Laboratory.
Field technician India Gerhardt (left) and graduate student Zachary Perry (right) work on digging a soil pit for instrumentation.
Researchers at work in Watershed 2.
The sediment basin and flume of Watershed 2
Field technician India Gerhardt prepares conduit for soil sensor cables near the Watershed 2 flume.
Field technicians Casey Warburton (left) and India Gerhardt (right) install a data logger.
Undergraduate students Casey Warburton (front) and India Gerhardt (back) run sensor cables through conduit.
Graduate student Zachary Perry installs a soil moisture sensor.
Field equipment used to install soil moisture sensors.
Field technicians Casey Warburton (left) and India Gerhardt (right) run sensor cables through conduit.
Field technicians dig a soil pit in Watershed 2 for soil sensor instrumentation.
Field technicians dig a soil pit in Watershed 2 for soil sensor instrumentation.
Graduate student Zachary Perry in Watershed 2 of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
Soil sensors installed in the wall of a soil pit in Watershed 2.
A soil moisture sensor. The probes go into the soil and measure volumetric water content along with other data.
Graduate student Zachary Perry installs a soil moisture sensor.
Soil moisture sensors ready to be installed in soil pits.
Graduate student Zachary Perry runs soil moisture sensor cables through aluminum conduit.
Graduate student Zachary Perry with an ISCO water sampler in Watershed 2.
An ISCO automated water sampler.
Soil moisture sensors installed and ready to connect to the data logger.