USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at gage house of Watershed 9 (WS09) in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
Hydrology and Hyporheic Studies 2021
Stream guages were set up in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest as early as 1949 (see more at dataset HF004) as part of a larger paired, gaged watershed study to detect changes in streamflow due to watershed treatments. Data continue to be collected on streamflow and stream chemistry from the gage. Sediment data from the stream is measured periodically to assess load and accumulation. Through decades of data from these Experimental Watersheds and Gauging Stations researchers are learning about water quantity, water chemistry, and water sediment as the forests around the streams change with time due to growth and disturbances such as harvest, wildfire, floods, and landslides.
In a separate study about water and the flow of water, researchers are measuring how water moves into and out of the hyporheic zone of streams. The hyporheic zone is the area of sediment under and around a stream bed where water mixes from the soil into the stream area. The research of the hyporheic zone at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest builds on decades of past research that has taken place in WS01 and extends our knowledge of what drives hyporheic exchange in mountain streams.
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos puts leaf guard on v-notch weir at WS09 stream gage
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos puts leaf guard on v-notch weir at WS09 stream gage
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos measures water stage at the v-notch weir at WS09 stream gage
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at the v-notch weir at WS09 stream gage
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos measures water stage at the v-notch weir at WS09 stream gage
Stream channel of WS09 just above the stream gage, a year after the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at the stilling well at WS09 stream gage
Ruler for manual checks of stage height in stilling well at a stream gage
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at WS09 gage house one year after 2020 fire in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at WS09 gage house one year after 2020 fire in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
USFS Intern Araceli Morales-Santos at WS09 gage house one year after 2020 fire in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, walks to her field study site in Watershed 01, a year after the 2020 Holiday Farm fire burned through
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, walks to her field study site in Watershed 01, a year after the 2020 Holiday Farm fire burned through
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, walks to her field study site in Watershed 01, a year after the 2020 Holiday Farm fire burned through
Salt measured out for a tracer study in the stream in Watershed 01. The salt tracer is used to measure how long it takes for water to move down the stream bed
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, preparing a fluorescent tracer (also known as uranine) used to measure flow rates in streams.
A fluorescent tracer (uranine) used to measure flow rates in streams.
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, preparing a fluorescent tracer used to measure flow rates in streams.
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, using a meter to quantify concentrations of tracers in the stream
A sensor for measuring concentration of fluorescent tracers in stream water.
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, using a sensor to quantify concentrations of tracers in the stream
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, working in the stream in Watershed 01
A sensor for measuring water constituents in the stream.
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, near the stream in Watershed 01
Paige Becker with tubing used in her tracer experiments
Tubing and fluorescent tracer used in tracer studies of residence time of water in streams
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, preparing a salt tracer experiment in the stream in Watershed 01
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, conducting experiments in Watershed 01
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, conducting experiments in Watershed 01
Oregon State University graduate student, Paige Becker, walks to her field study site in Watershed 01, a year after the 2020 Holiday Farm fire burned through