News & Events

September 26, 2023
The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and Long Term Ecological Research Program are featured in an article by Lynda Mapes for the Sept 24 2023 Sunday edition of the Seattle Times: "Decades of research burned in this Oregon forest. Now it...
August 29, 2023


“Unveiling Biodiversity at Large Wood Crossings in Rivers”


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

9 a.m. Pacific Time

via zoom

August 23, 2023

Ian Whidden, MS WRS Thesis Defense: "Forest effects on accumulation, ablation, and snow water storage of a seasonal snowpack in Lookout Creek drainage basin, Oregon"

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023, at 12 pm in Burt 193

You are invited to attend the defense of Ian Whidden for his MS ...

August 17, 2023

Paige Becker's Ph.D. Dissertation Defense:  "Scaling up Hyporheic Exchange Processes and Finding the Intermediate Sweet Spot"

August 17th, 2pm PDT in Kearney 212 and on Zoom.

August 13, 2023
As of 8/13/2023 the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and surrounding areas are under "Level 3 Go Now" evacuation and closed entirely. See the Fire Updates page for more information.
August 10, 2023
From Paul Anderson, Station Director of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, 8/10/2023: "The Lookout Mountain fire within the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest continues to elude containment as fuel loading, topography,...
August 07, 2023
Notice:  A lightning strike fire started on Saturday, August 5, within the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, between the base of Lookout cliff and the ridge dividing Lookout and Mack Creek drainages.  As of today, August 7, the fire...
June 13, 2023

"Multi-scale spatial patterns drive soil carbon distribution and persistence across complex mountain terrain"

Dissertation defense seminar.  Hayley Peter-Contesse. 

June 13, 2023, 2 PM Pacific, via zoom.

May 05, 2023

Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, May 5, 2023, 9-11 AM


This month’s presentations will be a practice and preview of the field presentations for the NSF midterm review, May 24 & 25.  We will have four sessions, running concurrently, each for one hour...

April 07, 2023

Our April 7 monthly meeting will be a poster session featuring posters from graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate students. Come find out more about the students’ work.  April 7, 9-11 AM, FSL Room 20.