Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting June 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, June 7,  9-11 AM


  • "Is post-fire management pre-fire management in a fiery world?" presented by Christopher Dunn, Assistant Professor of Wildfire Risk Science, College of Forestry, OSU
  • "Academic support in a changing fire environment" presented by Kevin Reese, Interagency Fire Staff Officer- Northwest Oregon Interagency Fire Management, US Forest Service
  • Student lightning talk: "Economic Valuation of Carbon Sequestration in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest: Co-Benefit of a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site" presented by Alex Rendon, Fiona Duggan-Fuchs, and Sarah Gwynn, from Southern Oregon University.
  • "Naturalness and the Lookout Fire: Partial results of the Sep-Nov 2023 Lookout Fire Interviews" presented by Claire Rapp, Postdoctoral Scholar, College of Forestry, OSU.

After our presentations we will move into our community meeting, which includes updates on graduate student activities, site, WNF, community, education, new faces, and recent publications.

PFSC 315. Contact Lina DiGregorio for Zoom link.

Our meetings follow the academic year. Our next meeting will be October 4, 2024.