Friday, April 5, 2024
Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, April 5, 9-11 AM
- "Federal Regulations and Archeological Resources: Best Practices for Conducting Research in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest" presented by Steven Highland, Heritage Program Manager (Forest Archeologist) and Tribal Liaison, Willamette National Forest
- "New Fire and Forest Development Histories in Moist Douglas-fir Forests" presented by Andrew Merschel, ORISE Postdoctoral Scholar with USFS PNW Research Station.
- Graduate student lightning talk: "The Influence of Network Contraction and Expansion on Dissolved Oxygen Synchrony" presented by Jasmine Krause, Ph.D. candidate, Water Resources Science, OSU
After our presentations, at 10 AM, we will move into our community meeting, which includes updates on graduate student activities, site, WNF, DEI, education, new faces, and recent publications.
PFSC 315. Contact Lina DiGregorio for Zoom link.
Our meetings follow the academic year. Upcoming meetings: April 5 (Peavy 315), May 3 (Peavy 315), and June 7 (Peavy 315).