News & Events

December 06, 2019


“Temporal consistency of undercanopy thermal refugia in an old growth forest” presented by Chris Wolf, PostDoc, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, OSU

“Terrestrial Salamanders of the Pacific Northwest” presented by Tiffany Garcia, Associate...

December 05, 2019

Thesis defense:  Stephanie Schmidt
“Buzzing Bombyliidae and Monitoring Methods: Investigating Long-Term Ecological Data”
Major professors: Mark Schulze and Lisa Ganio
Thursday, December 5 at 9am. Richardson Hall 115

December 03, 2019
Support the Andrews Forest to ensure long-term viability of our forests and streams. Charitable gifts to the Andrews Forest Fund support research, educational programs, arts and humanities connections, and facilities at the Andrews Forest. Please...
November 21, 2019

Lauren Zatkos, who has been modeling aquatic food webs at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest under the direction of Dr. Ivan Arismendi, will be presenting her Master's research "Structural variation of headwater stream food webs along geophysical gradients."
Thursday, November 21st,  8:...

November 16, 2019

At Liberty will host an interdisciplinary panel discussion in conjunction with the Time and Place: Ecological Work by Leah Wilson exhibition.
The panel, moderated by exhibition...

November 13, 2019
The Fall 2019 issue of the Andrews Forest Newsletter is now available as an online version or as a downloadable PDF.  In this issue you can:  Trace Sources of Summer Streamflow Track Seventy Years of Steam Gaging View the...
November 01, 2019

Presentations: Science and Art in the Lookout Creek Watershed

  • Ivan Arismendi Aquatic vertebrates of Lookout Creek (15 min). Ivan Arismendi will summarize findings from about stream habitats and aquatic vertebrates from synoptic sampling in Lookout Creek this summer. 
  • Leah...
October 04, 2019
Please join us for our first monthly meeting of the 2019-2020 academic year.  We'll have a panel discussion on the USFS Experimental Forest Network and the role that the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest and Long-Term Ecological...
September 12, 2019
The USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station is hiring an administrative assistant to work in the Corvallis Forestry Sciences Laboratory primarily on spotted owl and bioacoustics research projects. Position details can be found in the announcement....
September 11, 2019
The OSU Foundation is hiring an Assistant Director of Development, to work with OSU’s College of Forestry.  The position will include fundraising for the Andrews Forest research program. Key to that success will be finding a person who...