News & Events

September 27, 2021
Graduate student Christopher Cousins was awarded the Bullitt Environmental Award for his work in connecting his research on amphibians with outreach to Latino youth. Cousins, with the help of his advisor, Tiffany Garcia, and others, is writing a...
September 10, 2021

M.S. Thesis Defense:  "Temporal and spatial variability of channel adjustment to floods in a 5th order forested mountain stream"

Leah Cromer
M.S., Water Resources Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Julia Jones

Friday, September 10, 2021
10:00 AM PST


August 30, 2021

Please join us on Monday, August 30th at 1 pm on Zoom for a presentation of Hankyu Kim’s dissertation, titled: “An examination of climate and land-use change as drivers of population dynamics in breeding bird populations.” Hankyu is earning his PHD in Forest Ecosystems and Society with Brenda Mc...

August 20, 2021
Research from the Long-Term Ecological Research network, which includes the Andrews Forest LTER, provides a unique perspective on how our ecosystems are responding to climate change, now, and perhaps into the future. See the discussion in "The...
August 04, 2021
The Andrews Forest, nutrient cycling, and the 200-year decomposition study are featured in PBS's "Real Circle of Life" 
June 11, 2021

Adam Sibley PhD Defense

Friday, June 11, 1 PM on zoom*

"Plants and their Environment: Assessing tree canopy microclimate and the response of trees to environmental stress in a diversity of forest types"

Adam has done field work, lab work, and computer modeling to assess...

June 04, 2021

Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, June 4, 9-11 AM

For our June 2021 meeting, we will start digging into the theme of interactions, which is the central theme of LTER8. We are going to transition from our discussions of fire over the past four monthly meetings to interactions and...

June 04, 2021

Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, June 4, 9-11 AM

For our June 2021 meeting, we will start digging into the theme of interactions, which is the central theme of LTER8. We are going to transition from our discussions of fire over the past four monthly meetings to interactions and...

May 12, 2021

Join us for a conversation about the new public art installation “Listening to the Forest,” located in the George W. Peavy Forest Science Center on the OSU campus. The discussion will be preceded by a short video introducing the artwork and includes a live Q&A with the artist Leah Wilson. ...

May 10, 2021
Hankyu Kim studies birds, microclimate, and forest vegetation as a part of ongoing long-term ecological research on songbird populations at the Andrews Forest. Using long-term data, Hankyu is testing if forest microclimate can predict breeding bird...