News & Events

January 11, 2018
The LTER Network Communications Office is pleased to announce a new webinar series hosted by the NCO and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). This series highlights the progress of the LTER synthesis working groups (...
December 06, 2017

Wildlife in the Treetops: Movement ecology and biodiversity monitoring in tropical forest canopies

Dr. Kevin McLean is an ecologist studying arboreal mammals in tropical forests, with a particular focus on movement behavior and forest structure. He has also established conducted canopy...

December 01, 2017

"Science on Demand: Informing Plan Revision in the Area of the Northwest Forest Plan" presented by Thomas Spies, Senior Scientist, Forest Service, PNW Research Station

“The National Ecological Observatory in the Pacific Northwest: Field Sites, Data, and Other Resources” presented by Ben...

November 30, 2017

GEOTECHNICAL LECTURE SERIES: The USGS Debris-Flow Flume: Past, Present, and Future
RICHARD M. IVERSON, PH.D., Senior Research Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey debris-flow flume is a unique, large-scale experimental facility located at the H.J....

November 22, 2017
Two PhD-level graduate student positions are open at the University of Indiana. Research will be focused on hydrodynamics in mountain streams, particularly along the stream-hyporheic-riparian-hillslope continuum during dynamic events (e.g., storms,...
November 15, 2017
The McKenzie River Ranger District will soon be filling one Temporary 1039 Biological Science Technician (Natural Resources) – GS-0404-5. This Natural Resources position will be focused on Fisheries. The duty station is McKenzie River Ranger...
November 15, 2017
The Andrews Forest Writers' Residency is part of the Long-Term Ecological Reflections program, which is dedicated to bringing together writers, humanists and scientists to create a living, growing record of how we understand the forest and the...
November 03, 2017

Forestry Sciences Lab, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Room 20

“Repeat aerial lidar at the H. J. Andrews: New opportunities for examining landscape change.”  David Bell, Research Forester, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station, Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program, Vegetation Monitoring...

November 02, 2017

A reading with Lynda Mapes: Witness Tree: Seasons of Change with a Century-Old Oak

Thursday, November 2, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Lynda Mapes is an environmental journalist for the Seattle Times, an author, an explorer and reveler in the natural world, native plants and species of...

October 10, 2017

Projections of Forest and Nutrient Dynamics with Future Climate Change in Watershed 2 of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.  Zheng Dong, Syracuse University.

Tuesday, October 10, 10-11 AM, Richardson Hall 107.

Abstract: Statistically downscaled climate change scenarios from four...