Safety and Use Procedures

Safety and User Guidelines

Working in the field, particularly in the mountains, entails risks that are different than those encountered elsewhere in life.  Summarized field safety procedures are provided below, to help researchers and students engage with the forest safely.  We offer an annual Safety Day training, including CPR/1st aid, in mid-June for anyone who is new to field work or would like a refresher on sound field safety procedures. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all employees and students receive and follow adequate safety training. Please contact the Forest Director if you have questions or concerns about safety on site. The facilities of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest are intended for wide use by researchers, students and educators, and we have developed procedures to ensure that resources are used efficiently, fairly, and safely; see links below. Policies that pertain to use and cleaining of facility spaces are detailed under Facilities.  

The HJA Handbook and Safety Manual, available in all HJA apartments and in the front office, covers all policy and procedures. Contact the Forest Director for a digital copy.