Winter Conditions

Monday, January 3, 2022

If planning a trip out to the Andrews Forest, please be aware of winter weather hazards and limits on access.  Check our online webcams and weather graphs in addition to the National Weather Service and to get a sense of conditions.  The only roads we attempt to plow are the 15 road and 1506 up to watershed 3 junction. Heavy snow brings down trees and we have limited resources to clean up the debris.  The headquarters of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest remain closed due to COVID19 safety restrictions.  Researchers coming out for a day trip should contact Mark Schulze at least two days prior to trip.  Burned areas in within the Andrews Forest (Watersheds 1, 9 and much of 2) are only accessible to research projects with approved research and safety plans. Resarcher stays on site are limited. Contact Mark Schulze with questions.