The National Science Foundation announced three new Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites in spring 2017. The Northern Gulf of Alaska (NGA) LTER site, through the University of Alaska Fairbanks, will focus on emergent properties of ecosystems. The Northeastern U.S. Shelf (NES) LTER, through the the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, will focus on how long-term environmental change is impacting the pelagic NES ecosystem. The Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystem (BLE) LTER site, through the University of Texas-Austin, will advance our fundamental understanding of how input of materials from land and oceanographic conditions interact to influence coastal food webs. More information is available via the LTER Network website: https://lternet.edu/node/84416
A new map of LTER sites, created by the Long-Term Ecological Research Network, features new and old LTER sites, including the Andrews Forest (coded AND). The Andrews Forest is one of twenty five LTER sites across the United States. Research happens within sites and between sites to further understanding of ecosystems and ecosystem changes over time.