Job opportunity geomorphology research field assistant

Thursday, January 27, 2022 to Friday, April 8, 2022

Hiring: full-time field assistant for summer 2022 for fluvial geomorphology field work in Oregon and Montana. Work will include conducting field work on the floodplains of Lookout Creek in H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR, and Swan River, Flathead National Forest, MT. Work may include collecting data along floodplain transects, including GPS location, notetaking, and soil cores.


  • Junior-level completion in a college degree in geosciences, water resources, natural resources, environmental science, hydrology, or a related field
  • Excellent notetaking skills
  • Hike 10 miles/day off trail
  • Carry loads up to 50 lbs
  • Comfort with camping and remote field locations
  • Ability to transport oneself to field locations

Desired qualifications:

  • An interest and curiosity about river science and environmental research

To Apply:
Please send a resume and cover letter detailing your interest in fluvial geomorphology research, field work experience, and backcountry skills to Emily Iskin by April 8, 2022. Please include relevant coursework with your resume. Feel free to email with any questions about the position