Means, Joseph E.; Hansen, Heather A.; Koerper, Greg J.; Alaback, Paul B.; Klopsch, Mark W. 1994. Software for computing plant biomass--BIOPAK users guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-340. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 184 p.
BIOPAK is a menu-driven package of computer programs for personal computers that calculated the biomass, area, height, length, or volume of plant components (leaves, branches, stem, crown, and roots) and biomass by fuels size classes using existing prediction equations. Most of the 1150 equations in the equation library available as part of BIOPAK were developed in the Pacific Northwest, including southeast Alaska. A few are from the northern Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. BIOPAK produced reports that were formatted for people and files that were compatible with other software. Other reports document the design of a computation run and the equations used.