- Generate landscape pattern dynamics in response to forest cutting and subsequent regrowth.
- Citation:
- Wallin, D.O., F.J. Swanson, B. Marks, J. Kertis and J. Cissel. 1996. Comparison of managed and pre-settlement landscape dynamics in forests of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.. Forest Ecology and Management 85:291-309. (Pub No: 2198).
- Wallin, D.O., F.J. Swanson and B. Marks. 1994. Landscape pattern response to changes in the pattern-generation rules: land-use legacies in forestry. Ecological Applications 4(3):569-580 (Pub No: 1579).
- Estimates the amount of woody slash remaining after timber harvest.
- Citation:
- Harmon, M. E.; Garman, S. L.; Ferrell, W. K. 1996. Modeling historical patterns of tree utilization in the Pacific Northwest: carbon sequestration implications. Ecological Applications 6(2):641-652 (Pub No: 1444).
- Simulates vegetative dynamics, forest management, and natural disturbances at a landscape scale
- Citation:
- Garman, S. L. 2004. Design and evaluation of a forest landscape change model for western Oregon. Ecological Modelling 175(4):319-337 (Pub No: 3780).
- Nitrogen Fixation Rates in Dead Wood:
- A mechanistic simulation model of nitrogen fixation in dead wood to synthesize current knowledge, develop hypotheses, and estimate nitrogen fixation rates in the Pacific Northwest.
- Citation:
- William T. Hicks, Mark E. Harmon, and Steven L. Garman (2000). Modeling Nitrogen Fixation Rates in Dead Wood. Chapter 5 from Hicks, William T. 2000. Modeling nitrogen fixation in dead wood. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. 160 p. Ph.D. dissertation (Pub No: 212).
- Spatially interpolates precipitation based on topography and observed precipitation. Western States precipitation maps are available from the Oregon Climate Service.
- Citation:
- Daly, C., R.P. Neilson, and D.L. Phillips. 1994. A statistical-topographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology 33: 140-158 (Pub No: 4955).
- A model to simulate the accumulation of carbon over succession in mixed species, mixed aged forest stands.
- Citation:
- Mark E. Harmon, Barbara Marks and Narayana Rao Hejeebu (1996). A Users Guide to STANDCARB version 1.0: A model to simulate the carbon stores in forest stands (Pub No: 2248).
- A model to simulate the accumulation of carbon over succession in mixed species, mixed aged forest stands.
- Citation:
- Harmon, M. E. and J. B. Domingo. 2001. A Users Guide to STANDCARB version 2.0: A model to simulate the carbon stores in forest stands (Pub No: 2817).
- Simulates temporal trajectories of ecological processes in stream ecosystems.
- Citation:
- McIntire, C. David; Gregory, Stanley V.; Steinman, Alan D.; Lamberti, Gary A. 1996. Modeling benthic algal communities: an example from stream ecology. In: Stevenson, R. J.; Bothwell, M.; Lowe, R. L., eds. Benthic algal ecology in freshwater ecosystems (Algal Ecology). Academic Press, Inc.: 669-704 (Pub No: 1528).
- McIntire, C. David. 1990. A tutorial and teaching guide for the use of a lotic ecosystem model. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. 271 p. (Pub No: 4362).
- McIntire, C. David; Colby, Jonathon A. 1978. A hierarchical model of lotic ecosystems. Ecological Monographs. 48:(1) 167-190 (Pub No: 1910).
- Release Version 12-21-2001.
- Citation:
- Meleason, Mark A. 2001. A simulation model of wood dynamics in Pacific Northwest streams. PhD. Dissertation, Oregon State University. 158 pp (Pub No: 2871).