LTER Network Resources
Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
The Environmental Data Initiative is an NSF-funded project with a mission to preserve environmental data for open and reproducible science, to promote synthesis across space and time, and to aid in the assessment of environmental change and its consequences.
Data Observation Network for Earth provides the resources to meet the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data hrough a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure.
The LTER GitHub is a meta-repository that helps with navigation of the repositories under the organizational account "LTER", belonging to the Long Term Ecological Research Network.
LTER Network Unit Registry
The LTER Network Unit Registry is a web service-enabled database of standardized scientific units in use at different levels of the LTER research community.
LTER Controlled Vocabulary
The LTER Controlled Vocabulary is a web service-enabled database of standardized controlled vocabularies in use at different levels of the LTER research community.
LTER Network Site Database (SiteDB)
Site profiles contain key information on research, history, people, institutional affiliations, and location for each LTER site as well as links to additional site information.
Climate and Hydrology Database (ClimDB/HydroDB)
A centralized server to provide open access to long-term meteorological and streamflow records from a collection of research sites.
Eco Trends Project
The Eco Trends Project is a collaborative effort among state and federal agencies and institutions to make long-term ecological data easy to access, analyze, and compare within and across sites.
LTER Information Management (IM) webpage
A website maintained by LTER Information Managers that provides a hub for communication and information/knowledge exchange.