Following the 2023 Lookout Fire, OSU graduate students share their initial grief, their postfire research, and how they stay resilient as they pursue scientific careers in a time of planetary crisis.
“As humans, our everyday lives are sustained by the behaviors and interactions of forest organisms,” photographer David Herasimtschuk writes of old growth forests. “Yet, because these processes and relationships occur in places and at scales rarely observed, our connection with forest biodiversity and the role it plays in nurturing our well-being often goes completely unnoticed.”
A recent study fills in important information about the ecology and distribution of the western spotted skunk.
Hermit Warblers migrate between the Pacific Northwest and Mexico and Central America. Geolocators on individual birds shed light on the timing and routes of the birds' movements.
Rare pre-fire stream discharge and chemistry data allowed researchers to evaluate the influence of mixed-severity fire on stream water quantity and quality.
The Andrews Forest Program provides science on multiple themes and provides a broader foundation for regional studies.
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