Friday, January 10, 2025

Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, January 10, 9-11 AM
- “NWFP amendment DEIS overview and introduction: how can HJA community engage in the process?” presented by Dr. Meg Krawchuk, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry OSU; serving member of Northwest Forest Plan Federal Advisory Committee.
- “Streamflow generation in the heterogeneous subsurface landscape of the HJA: How will the landscape respond to fire?” Presenters: Zachary Perry and Dr. Catalina Segura, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry OSU
- Graduate Student Lightning Talk: Title: “Water availability after fire: Modeling snowmelt isotopes in the HJA” presented by Lutz Klein, University of Bonn, Germany. Lutz is a first-year PhD student co-advised by Julian Klaus and Catalina Segura.
- GlASS: Global Aggregation of Stream Silicon -- Shiny app with HJA data. Demonstration. Pamela Sullivan.
- Lookout Fire Hypothesis paper update. Matt Betts and Dana Warren.
After our presentations, at 10 AM, we will move into our community meeting, which includes updates on graduate student activities, site, WNF, community, education, new faces, and recent publications.
Peavy 315, Oregon State University. Contact Lina DiGregorio for zoom option.
Our meetings follow the academic year. Upcoming meetings: Jan 10 (Peavy 315), Feb 7, Mar 7, April 4, May 2, June 6.