2017 EcoInformatics Summer Institute Symposium

Thursday, August 17, 2017

We invite you to join us for the 2017 EcoInformatics Summer Institute Symposium for research seminars on pollinator and river networks!

When: Aug. 17th, 2-4pm
Where: LINC 268
What: The EISI is an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program that supports students from computer science, mathematics, ecology, earth science, engineering, and statistics. Students work in interdisciplinary teams to conduct field work at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. The students then analyze the “big data” developed at the Andrews to apply cutting-edge methods and models for investigating the dynamics of plant-pollinator networks and of river networks. Titles of individual student projects are provided below.
Author    Project team    Presentation Title
Peter Duin    river networks    Impact of forest harvests, road networks, debris flows, and channel morphology on volume of large woody debris in Western Cascade streams
Brent Davis    river networks    The spatial influence of LWD and tributary confluence on the local grain size distribution
Malia Gonzales    river networks    Analyzing the effect of flood events and debris flows on the temporal change of stream grain size distribution in the Western Cascade Mountains, Oregon
Sashka Warner    river networks    Network Structure as a Modulator of Disturbance Impacts in Streams
Adam Zhang    river networks    An analysis of fractal geometry in Western Cascade stream networks
Josh Griffin    pollinator networks    Simulating pollinator foraging - contrasting social bees vs. solitary bees
Jane Huestis    pollinator networks    Examining phylogenetic relatedness as a driver of plant-pollinator interactions in montane meadows
Lydia Miller    pollinator networks    Drivers of modularity in plant-pollinator networks of montane meadows
Elaina Thomas    pollinator networks    Separating nestedness from species replacement in measures of beta diversity in montane meadows of the Western Cascades
Andrew Guide    pollinator networks    Influence of plant and pollinator characteristics on the interactions of pollinators in montane meadow.

You can find more information about the program on the EISI website