Photographer David Paul Bayles is displaying 13 new works from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest at the Pop-Up Gallery across 2nd Street from the Beanery in Corvallis, Oregon. The doors are open 1-6 pm, Saturday July 14, on following Saturday afternoons, and during the Corvallis Arts Walk 4-7 pm Thursday, July 19. A closing reception is planned for Saturday August 11, 4-6 pm. His project is titled "Old Growth Dialogue: Magical Realism Meets Real Time Data." Please stop in and enjoy these stunning works paired with images of microclimate data from the time and place of the photographing. Concerning the environmental data, David comments, “To me they were images being ‘drawn’ by the forest, revealing its secrets.”
Saturday, July 14, 2018 to Saturday, August 11, 2018