Friday, February 3, 2023
Andrews Forest Monthly Meeting: Friday, January 13, 2023, 9-11 AM
- “Long-term data for modeling current and future species distributions at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest.” Presented by Nicolò Anselmetto, PhD student, Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science, University of Turin, Italy.
- “Seventy years of watershed response to floods and changing forestry practices.” Presented by Catalina Segura, Associate Professor, Fisher Family Faculty Fellow, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management, College of Forestry
- Graduate Student lightning talk:“Effects of forest harvest, floods, and wildfire on bedload export from headwater catchments in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present.” Presented by Charlie Wright, MS student / Seasonal hydrologic technician.
After our presentations we will move into our community meeting, which includes updates on graduate student activities, site, WNF, DEI, education, new faces, and recent publications.
Our meetings follow the academic year; our next meetings will be Mar 3, Apr 7, May 5, Jun 2.
We'll mee in person in Peavy 315, or contact Lina DiGregorio for Zoom link.