Dataset Details

Data Set ID: RS20_95_a_5min_2017
Originator: Christopher Daly
Title: Meteorological data from RS20 at the Andrews Forest. Variables include: air temperature, soil temperature from 01-Oct-2016 to 01-Oct-2017
Abstract: The current network of temperature measurement sites are designed to represent spatial variability of air and soil temperature in rugged mountain topography, and serve as second-level stations to capture specific microclimate temperatures in conjunction with a network of Benchmark Meteorological Stations (MS001). The air and soil thermograph network has been reduced from the historical network of 37 sites originally established. An original network of 19 sites (RS01-RS19) were established during the International Biome Program in the early 1970's. Emphasis on phenology, plant moisture stress, and leaf nutrient content led to extending this network of air and soil temperature measurement. A plant community classification system (Dyrness et al., 1971) was used as a primary means of stratification, and a set of permanent vegetation plots (Reference Stands) was installed to represent forest communities with distinct vegetation and hypothesized different environments (Dyrness et al., 1974). A thermograph network was installed within the reference stands in the early 1970's (Zobel et al., 1974), and vegetation standing crop, tree growth and mortality, and plant succession were also measured. The majority of these sites were established to monitor micro-meteorological data under the canopy. The purpose of this network was to provide air and soil temperature data for modeling photosynthesis, respiration, phenology, and decomposition, and to measure environmental gradients.
Key Words: Air temperature, Climate data, Climate/Meteorology, Ecosystem monitoring, Environmental indexes and variables, Meteorology, Microclimate, Moisture stress, Reference stands, Soil temperature, Succession, Temperature growth index, Dew point temperature, Disturbance, Primary production
Study Type: Monitoring
Study Period: 01-Oct-2016 to 01-Oct-2017
Bounding Box: West longitude:  unspecified
North latitude:  unspecified
East longitude:  unspecified
South latitude:  unspecified
Site References: RS20_95
Downloads:  Formats

Data Table:  RS20_95_a_5min_2017 (Main data table, 105120 records)

Access:  Public

Metadata:  Text (ESA FLED)

Data Files:  Spreadsheet (CSV Text) [13297kb], GCE Data Toolbox File [2555kb], Web Table (HTML text) [285kb]

Column List:

Column Name Units Type Description (show)
1 Site string Site code
2 Date string Calendar date and time of measurement
3 LOGGERID none integer Logger ID
4 PROGID none floating-point Program ID
5 AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 deg c floating-point Average air temperature
6 Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for Average air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", abs(AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02-AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02)>1="Q", abs(AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02-AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02)>1="Q", x>AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02="I", x<AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02=‘I’, )
7 AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 deg c floating-point Average air temperature
8 Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 none string QA/QC flags for Average air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", abs(AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03-AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03)>1="Q", abs(AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03-AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03)>1="Q", x>AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03="I", x<AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03=‘I’, )
9 AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 deg c floating-point Maximum air temperature
10 Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for Maximum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", manual)
11 AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 deg c floating-point Maximum air temperature
12 Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 none string QA/QC flags for Maximum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", manual)
13 AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02 deg c floating-point Minimum air temperature
14 Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for Minimum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", manual)
15 AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03 deg c floating-point Minimum air temperature
16 Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03 none string QA/QC flags for Minimum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q", manual)
17 SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01 deg c floating-point Average soil temperature
18 Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01 none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M")
19 SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02 deg c floating-point Average soil temperature
20 Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02 none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M")
21 SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03 deg c floating-point Average soil temperature
22 Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03 none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M")
23 BATTERY_INST_0_0_01 volts floating-point Battery supply voltage
24 Flag_BATTERY_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Battery supply voltage (flagging criteria, where "x" is BATTERY_INST_0_0_01: x<0="I", x<12="L", x>15="H", isnan(x)="M")
25 AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 deg c floating-point Average air temperature manual sample
26 Flag_AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 none string QA/QC flags for Average air temperature manual sample (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", x<FOURLO="Q", x>FOURHI="Q")
27 SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 deg c floating-point Average soil temperature manual check
28 Flag_SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature manual check (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", manual)
29 BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 volts floating-point Battery supply voltage manual check
30 Flag_BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Battery supply voltage manual check (flagging criteria, where "x" is BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01: x<0="I", x<12="L", x>15="H")
Last Modified: 14-Jan-2025 11:32:09