Dataset Details

Data Set ID: gsws01_115_samp_2021
Originator: Sherri L. Johnson
Title: Gaging station water sample data. Usage: Event based table used with water chemistry collection from 07-Oct-2020 to 30-Sep-2021
Abstract: Stream temperature at stream gages and air temperature above the stream are measured at all stream gaging sites and at selected major stream confluences. Current temperature data are collected as hourly averages of instantaneous measurements. these data began ~1996. Historic data, starting in 1950 at Lookout Creek gage, are included at daily mean or maximum and minimum.
Key Words:
Study Type: Monitoring
Study Period: 07-Oct-2020 to 30-Sep-2021
Bounding Box: West longitude:  unspecified
North latitude:  unspecified
East longitude:  unspecified
South latitude:  unspecified
Site References: GSWS01_115
Downloads:  Formats

Data Table:  gsws01_115_samp_2021 (Main data table, 757 records)

Access:  Public

Metadata:  Text (ESA FLED)

Data Files:  Spreadsheet (CSV Text) [60kb], GCE Data Toolbox File [11kb], Web Table (HTML text) [156kb]

Column List:

Column Name Units Type Description (show)
1 Site string Site code
2 Date string Calendar date and time of measurement
3 RecNum count integer RecNum
4 SiteID floating-point SiteID
5 Flag_SiteID none string QA/QC flags for SiteID (flagging criteria, where "x" is SiteID: )
6 LOGGERID none integer Logger ID
7 PROGID none floating-point Program ID
8 VNOTCH_INST_0_0_01 number integer Binary indicator for V-notch. 1 = on, 0 = off
9 Flag_VNOTCH_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Binary indicator for V-notch. 1 = on, 0 = off (flagging criteria, where "x" is VNOTCH_INST_0_0_01: x>1="Q", x<0="Q",flag_notinarray(x,[0,1])="Q")
10 SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01 count integer Water sample number
11 Flag_SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Water sample number (flagging criteria, where "x" is SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01: x<0="I", x>999="I")
12 STAGE_INST_0_0_01 ft floating-point Stage height
13 Flag_STAGE_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Stage height (flagging criteria, where "x" is STAGE_INST_0_0_01: isnan(x)="M", flag_daterange(Date,{"07/17/2021 15:15:00","07/19/2021 15:40:00"})="Q", flag_daterange(Date,{"08/17/2021 11:25:00","08/24/2021 14:00:00"})="Q", flag_daterange(Date,{"06/18/2020 11:35:00","06/23/2020 07:50:00"})="Q")
Last Modified: 23-Jan-2025 00:04:13