Dataset Details

Data Set ID: gsmack_114_samp_2024
Originator: Name:
Title: Gaging station water sample data. Usage: Event based table used with water chemistry collection from 01-Oct-2023 to 30-Sep-2024
Key Words:
Study Type: Monitoring
Study Period: 01-Oct-2023 to 30-Sep-2024
Bounding Box: West longitude:  unspecified
North latitude:  unspecified
East longitude:  unspecified
South latitude:  unspecified
Site References: GSMACK_114
Downloads:  Formats

Data Table:  gsmack_114_samp_2024 (Main data table, 1159 records)

Access:  Public

Metadata:  Text (ESA FLED)

Data Files:  Spreadsheet (CSV Text) [85kb], GCE Data Toolbox File [15kb], Web Table (HTML text) [193kb]

Column List:

Column Name Units Type Description (show)
1 Site string Site code
2 Date string Calendar date and time of measurement
3 RecNum count integer RecNum
4 SiteID integer Instantaneous measurement of SiteID
5 Flag_SiteID none string QA/QC flags for Instantaneous measurement of SiteID (flagging criteria, where "x" is SiteID: )
6 LOGGERID none integer LoggerID
7 PROGID none floating-point Program ID
8 SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01 count integer Water sample number
9 Flag_SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Water sample number (flagging criteria, where "x" is SAMPLE_INST_0_0_01: x<0="I", x>999="I")
10 STAGE_INST_0_0_01 ft floating-point Stage height
11 Flag_STAGE_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Stage height (flagging criteria, where "x" is STAGE_INST_0_0_01: isnan(x)="M", flag_daterange(Date,{"12/01/2023 00:00:00","03/01/2024 12:00:00"})="I")
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025 03:53:24