Dataset Details

Data Set ID: gscc04_154_5min_merged
Originator: Name:
Title: Merged data from gscc04_154_5min_2021, gscc04_154_5min_2022, gscc04_154_5min_2023 and gscc04_154_5min_2024
Abstract: Stream discharge is collected on four small watersheds in the Coyote Creek drainage within the South Umpqua Experimental forest in the southwest Oregon Cascades. Stream discharge data was started in October 1963 and discontinued in June 1981 (discontinued April 1985 on Watershed 4). Stream discharge measurement was resumed in December 2000 on all four watersheds. Watersheds 1, 2, and 3 were harvested with differing silvicultural methods in summer 1971, and watershed 4 is the control. High resolution temporal data is provided as well as daily, monthly and annual summary data. Streamflow data by sampling intervals are also provided from 1970 to 1981 when stream water chemistry data were being collected. Annual bedload accumulation totals from each of the four watersheds is also provided beginning 2001.
Key Words: hydrology, silviculture, disturbance, sedimentation, hydrologic processes, stream discharge, streamflow, long term monitoring, accumulation, timber harvest, water, sediments, forest ecosystems, watersheds, long term studies
Study Type: Monitoring
Study Period: 13-Jul-2021 to 28-Dec-2023
Bounding Box: West longitude:  unspecified
North latitude:  unspecified
East longitude:  unspecified
South latitude:  unspecified
Site References: GSCC04
Downloads:  Formats

Data Table:  gscc04_154_5min_merged (Main data table, 258586 records)

Access:  Public

Metadata:  Text (ESA FLED)

Data Files:  GCE Data Toolbox File [1397kb]

Column List:

Column Name Units Type Description (show)
1 DataSetName none string Names of the original data sets merged to create the composite data set
2 Site string Site code
3 Date string Calendar date and time of measurement
4 SiteID none string SiteID
5 LoggerID none integer Logger ID
6 PROGID none floating-point Program ID
7 STAGE_INST_0_0_01 ft floating-point Stage height
8 Flag_STAGE_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Stage height (flagging criteria, where "x" is STAGE_INST_0_0_01: isnan(x)="M", manual)
9 BATTERY_INST_0_0_01 volts floating-point Instantaneous measurement of BATTERY_V
10 Flag_BATTERY_INST_0_0_01 none string QA/QC flags for Instantaneous measurement of BATTERY_V (flagging criteria, where "x" is BATTERY_INST_0_0_01: x<0="I", x<11="L", x>15="H", manual)
Last Modified: 02-May-2024 23:04:58