Dataset Details

Data Set ID: cs2met_clrg_15min_merged
Originator: Christopher Daly
Title: Merged data from cs2met_clrg_15min_2014, cs2met_clrg_15min_2015, cs2met_clrg_15min_2016, cs2met_clrg_15min_2017, cs2met_clrg_15min_2018, cs2met_clrg_15min_2019, cs2met_clrg_15min_2020, cs2met_clrg_15min_2021, cs2met_clrg_15min_2022, cs2met_clrg_15min_2023 and cs2met_clrg_15min_2024
Abstract: A three-level hydro-climatic network for data.
Key Words: Air temperature, precipitation
Study Type: Monitoring
Study Period: 01-Oct-2013 to 12-Dec-2023
Bounding Box: West longitude:  unspecified
North latitude:  unspecified
East longitude:  unspecified
South latitude:  unspecified
Site References: CS2MET_CLRG
Downloads:  Formats

Data Table:  cs2met_clrg_15min_merged (Main data table, 357518 records)

Access:  Public

Metadata:  Text (ESA FLED)

Data Files:  GCE Data Toolbox File [5517kb]

Column List:

Column Name Units Type Description (show)
1 DataSetName none string Names of the original data sets merged to create the composite data set
2 Site string Site code
3 Date string Calendar date and time of measurement
4 RecNum count integer Record number
5 BATTERY_MIN volts floating-point Minimum sampler battery voltage for the reporting period
6 Flag_BATTERY_MIN none string QA/QC flags for Minimum sampler battery voltage for the reporting period (flagging criteria, where "x" is BATTERY_MIN: isnan(x)="M", x<0="I", x>=0 & x<=11.5="L", x>15.5="H", manual)
7 ActTemp deg c floating-point Panel temperature of logger
8 Flag_ActTemp none string QA/QC flags for Panel temperature of logger (flagging criteria, where "x" is ActTemp: isnan(x)="M", manual)
9 PRECIP_INST_250_0_02 mm floating-point Instantaneous measurement of ActDepth
10 Flag_PRECIP_INST_250_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for Instantaneous measurement of ActDepth (flagging criteria, where "x" is PRECIP_INST_250_0_02: isnan(x)="M", flag_valuechange(x,12.7,25,1)="R", x<0="I", x>=381="Q", Date>=datenum("09/30/2020 09:00:00")&Date<=datenum("09/30/2020 09:15:00")="R", Date>=datenum("11/08/2021 09:45:00")&Date<=datenum("11/08/2021 10:45:00")="R", manual)
11 PRECIP_TOT_250_0_02 mm floating-point 15 minute total precipitation from ReportPCP
12 Flag_PRECIP_TOT_250_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for 15 minute total precipitation from ReportPCP (flagging criteria, where "x" is PRECIP_TOT_250_0_02: isnan(x)="M", x<0="I", ActTemp>=50="Q", ActTemp<=-30="Q", x>=24.9987="I", x>13="Q", Date>=datenum("02/12/2018 12:00:00")&Date<=datenum("02/13/2018 12:00:00")="Q", Date>=datenum("04/08/2019 01:00:00")&Date<=datenum("04/09/2019 20:00:00")="Q", Date>=datenum("12/24/2021 12:00:00")&Date<=datenum("12/27/2021 15:00:00")="Q", manual)
13 PRECIP_ACC_250_0_02 mm floating-point Cumulative sum of total precipitation
14 Flag_PRECIP_ACC_250_0_02 none string QA/QC flags for Cumulative sum of total precipitation (flagging criteria, where "x" is PRECIP_ACC_250_0_02: manual)
15 OPDCounts integer OPDCounts
16 Flag_OPDCounts none string QA/QC flags for OPDCounts (flagging criteria, where "x" is OPDCounts: manual)
17 ActDepthRA floating-point ActDepthRA
18 Flag_ActDepthRA none string QA/QC flags for ActDepthRA (flagging criteria, where "x" is ActDepthRA: manual)
Last Modified: 29-Apr-2024 21:44:29