Report on LIDET Workshop


March 23-25th, 1996


Sevilleta Field Station


Compiled by M. E. Harmon


I. Over view


A two day workshop was held at the Sevilleta Field Station to discuss the analysis of data being collected as part of the LIDET (Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team) project.   The meeting started with a series of progress reports on the status data, preliminary analyses of key data sets, and concluded with a briefing on the CIDET experiment being conducted in Canada.   The rest of the meeting was devoted to planning the analysis and publication of the existing data.


II.  General Points of Agreement


Several general points were agreed to by the participants:


A.  All the data that is currently available (or that can be brought on line by early summer) will be used in the analyses proposed at the workshop.


B.  Participants are free to publish using  data from their own site.  There  were few plans to do this, however, this option is always open to individual sites. 


C.  The venues for publication will be two fold: 1) a general overview paper for Nature that describes the major conclusions and 2) a set of  papers to be published jointly in Ecological Applications or Ecology.   If the papers are not accepted as a set, then individual manuscripts will be submitted by the subcommittees drafting the papers. 


D.   Drafts of the manuscripts will be produced by the authors by October 1, 1996.  These will be reviewed by an Editoral Committee (H. Gholz , M. Harmon, D. Wedin) to check for consistency, overlaps or gaps in coverage, etc.  The overall goal will to be able to send in draft manuscripts with the renewal proposal that will be submitted December 15, 1996. 


E.  Authorship on the papers will be determined by the level of participation.  An exception will be the manuscript submitted to Nature which will be a LIDET authored piece.  A tenative lead author for each of the other manuscripts was assigned at the workshop and potential co-authors signed up on topics of interest.  The number authors and order of authorship of each manuscript is to be determined by the subcommittee writing the manuscript. 


F.  The participants agreed to several data related tasks to help the overall analysis:


1) The first will be to check the data they recieved at the workshop for possible outliers.  The primary  data set to examine is the TD2309.* file which contains the mass loss data.   The deadline for completing this screening of the raw data is May 1, 1996.    Return all comments concerning outliers and suspecious data points to Mark Harmon.  The plan is to have the corrected data available by May 15, 1996.  


2)  The second task will be to contact the appropriate person at their site to compile and send climatic data to Bill Parton.  The minimum  data required will be long-term averages for mean monthly air temperature, mean monthly minimum air temperature, mean monthly maximum temperature, and mean precipitation.  If at all possible, the participants should compile and send data for the period during which the litter was decomposing.   If available, soil temperature data would also be helpful. The deadline for sending these data to Bill Parton is June 1, 1996.


3)  Data on soil characteritics including soil texture (including fraction in coarse fragments) and soil depth to the nearest 5 cm are also required to estimate moisture balances.   Finally,  estimates of leaf area index for the sites where incubations were conducted are needed.  This would include not only the range in leaf area typical for these sites, but the period (starting and ending months) that leaf cover occurs. The deadline for sending these data to Bill Parton is June 1, 1996.



G.  A LIDET specific mailing list was created by the LTER Network Office.  To use this mailing list mail send a message to LIDET@lternet. edu.  This is “private line” so to speak, so feel free to be frank during communications.  Just don’t go over the top!  


III.  Outlines of the Manuscripts


A. Nature Manuscript


All the participants contributed to the general discussion and outlining of the Nature manuscript. 


Working Title:  Broad-scale patterns of litter decomposition: implications for stable soil organic matter formation.  


Authorship: LIDET




*The main hook is the critical importance of the decomposition process in the global C cycle/balance....decomposition as a control of ecosystem functioning.


*Aber and  Melillo's "plant to humus (SOM) continuum". This is an emphasis on long-term patterns.

 Can we predict the amount of plant C that is "stabilized"?

Are there climates that are more favorable for "stabilization"?

 Are there species more prone to forming stabilized material?


*Testing substrate quality and climate control (Meentemeyer paradigm) on decomposition.  This is emphasis on short-term patterns in the first 2 years. 


*Refer to previous experience with process models-a la Moorhead et al. manuscript.


*Possible hook on the potential effects of biodiversity and climate change.  Is litter quality (i.e. species differences) critical relative to incremental climate change?  (Problem: we didn't address interspecific differences vs intraspecific plasticity in tissue chemistry).




* The big question is litter quality vs climate control on short-term decomposition and long-term (stable pool formation) decomposition.


*Is it really true that all litters converge on a similar amount of "stable" pool (Aber's initial 15-20% hypothesis).  This is a major unanswered question.  Examples of  Swedish and Rothemstead studies as possibly having contrasting results.  Note: Bill Parton can you send us all the reference for the Swedish study?  I think you mentioned this during the discussion.  If it wasn’t you then some who recalls please let litterbag cnetral know.   




* Review and discuss adequacy of existing empirical models: Aber, Taylor, Meetemeyer, Melillo


*Lignin & AET, C/N ratios, Lignin/N, LCI  - note most of these models really deal with the first year or two.  Are they adequate for long-term representation?


*Do process models give similar results as empirical models?




*Generating the response surface of climate vs substrate quality:




                        Defact (CENTURY and others)

                        cooling degree days

                        degree days


                        lignin, N, P, Carbon, LCI




Decomposition rate-constant K (ash free, one value for whole time period for each standard litter type at each site.  N = ca.250)


The "two K model" - incorporating a "stable" pool for sites and litters for which decomposition has progressed to an advanced degree.  Compare single and compound exponential models (and others?) N<250




*Surprises, unexpected results, are there patterns in the outliers and residuals?


*After construction of the above empirical model using the K values, how well can we predict the decomposition values for the Wild Cards.  N= ca. 150.


*Speculation on the importance of detrital pathway (vs herbivory?), or shifts in species composition (exotics) in controlling ecosystem functioning.


* Do we learn something new in long-term vs short-term studies?; single site vs multisite?; single biome vs multi-biome? Do we need 28 sites?



B.  Other Manuscripts


All the partcipants contributed ideas for potential topics for manuscripts that would be submitted as a set to Ecological Applications or Ecology.  A total of 16 topics were suggested and discussed.  The participants were then asked to cast 3 votes for the projects they were most interested in seeing develop into manuscripts.  The topics with 3 or more votes were then discussed by subcommittees that developed preliminary outlines describing the primary questions, methods, data requirements, and other considerations.   Topics that recieved less than 3 votes were to be pursued by the individuals that  were still interested (identified if existance known).  These manuscripts may be included in the joint set or submitted individually depending on the predilections of the authors.  The following topics were discussed.  The potential authors, based on a sign up sheet, are listed with the first name being the lead author.   Those LIDET members that were not able to attend the workshop, should feel free to sign up by sending an email message to Mark Harmon.  Topics without outlines are those for which outlines were not recieved in time for this report.  They will be included as they become available. 


Working Group Reports


Working Group 1- Five-year Stable Fraction


Potential Authors:  Morris, Burke, Currie,  Edmonds, Hart, McClellan, Schaefer, Wedin, Zedler.


Working Title: “The contribution of site-specific variables and litter quality to

the refractory component of litter”


I. Introduction

  A. Carbon storage in soils is a major component of the global carbon budget.  Positive or negative feedback between climate and soil carbon storage may have important implications for climate



 B. Freshly produced plant litter consists of labile and refractory fractions.  The refractory component enters the pool of relatively stable soil carbon.  Include here some literature review about what we know about this.


  C. Our objective is to determine the relative sensitivity of the refractory component of litter to site-specific variables (soil and climate) and litter quality (species differences).  We have adopted an operational or functional definition of  refractory carbon rather than a chemical definition.  Our

definition of refractory organic matter is that fraction of litter that remains after five years of in situ decomposition corrected for interannual variation.


II. Methods


 A. How we estimate the fraction of refractory organic matter that remains after years (usually five) of decay.  There is going to be some trial and error before the method is established, but the group felt that a 1st approach would be to fit a single exponential with a positive asymptote using non-linear parameter

estimation (SAS proc model).


 B. Statistics- simple correlation and multiple linear regression, ANOVA


III. Results


 A. ANOVA results- what shows up in the matrix of dependent variables as contributing significantly to the differences in refractory organic matter remaining? 


 B. Mean refractory fraction remaining by species across sites (separate above and below- maybe segregate salt marsh sites on the basis that the electron acceptor differs).  Table or Fig 1


 C. Correlations of mean refractory fraction remaining (by spp) with initial lignin and N (also LCI and lignin:cellulose).  Fig. 2


 D. Correlations with climate variables (AET, Temp, PPT, cooling degree days?)


 E. Correlations with soil variables (Avail. N, %C in soil, etc.)


IV. Discussion


 A. What is the relative importance of these variables?  What are the major controls?


 B. what is the relative importance of roots and leaves?


 C. Are there implications for the global carbon cycle?  climate change scenarios?


Working Group 2- Above- versus Below-ground Rates of Decomposition


Potential Authors: Gholz, Hart, Wedin


Working title: "Above- and below-ground C and N dynamics during decomposition"


The approach for the paper is to compare above and belowground litter decomposition for two species (Pinus sp - somewhat mixed species) and Drypetes glauca (a high litter quality tropical species) across the LIDET sites.  These four litter types contain two of our poorest and two of our highest litter quality types. 

The data to be used are initial litter quality, mass loss data at all sites, and litter %N during decomp for these four litter types



Q1       Do decomposition rates differ significantly above- and below-ground and does this difference vary across the LIDET network (i.e. as a function of climate and ecosystem type)?  Is there an interaction with litter quality (Pinus vs Drypetes)


Q2       Does the rate of N immobilization for a given litter type differ significantly above and belowground and does this difference vary across the LIDET network?




The estimation of exponential decay rates for each of the 4 x 28 sites will be straightfoward once the data sets are cleaned up.  Does fitting separate above and below models significantly improve on a decay model (probably the model from the synthesis paper) that simply incorporates litter quality and macroclimate (probably AET)?  Logical ecosystem comparisons are deciduous forest, coniferous forest and grassland.

Do we need microclimate data for this?  At the least, we should know whether the litter bag locations at each LIDET site are open, forested, or partially shaded.  We will probably pursue more site level data as patterns start to fall out of the data.


The N dyamics data should be available this summer.  A starting approach to analysis will be to fit Aber and Melillo's equation (% original mass remaining vs %N in remaining material) to each litter type at each site.  The slopes and intercepts of these equations have been described as the "N factor" and the "N equivalent" and describe the N immobilization potential and dynamics during decomposition.  These results will be used to compare N dyamics above and below ground, and across climates and ecosystem types.


Relation to other papers:


*to a large degree, the data for Q1 will already have been analyzed for the synthesis paper, but the above vs below questions will not have been addressed.  Bill Parton's summary AET and climate data will be probably be used over again here.  The effect of ecosystem type will probably not have been addressed in the syntheses paper however.


*the N immobilization/mineralization dynamics during decomposition will be driven by site N availability as much as litter quality.  The results here should be relevant to the soils group which is comparing various estimates of N availability at the LIDET sites (including the resin bags, lab incubations, and site-collected data).  Based on the litter N dynamics, we should end up with an independent estimate of site N availability.  The relationship of this paper and the soils paper will need more discussion.


Working Group 3-Cation Dynamics


Potential Authors: Baron, Blair, Harmon


Outline to be developed at later date. 



Working Group 4- Native versus Exotic Species


Potential Authors: McClellan, Clinton, Edmonds, Harmon, Schaefer. 


Basic Question: For species with the same substrate quality is there a difference between the rates of decomposition for a native versus a exotic (non-native species)? 


There is some evidence that importing exotic litter onto a site leads to lower decomposition rates than expected on a chemical basis.  This means decomposers can “tell”  the difference. 




There are 2 possible ways to test for this effect.


1.  Check to see if the standard litter supplied from a site deviates from the relationship predicted from the non-native litters.  This test would involve the sites that supplied the litter. 


2.   Check to see if the substrate relationship developed using  LIDET species (excluding any species from that site) is the same as for that developed for native species.  Adjustments need to be made for any differences in  climate or location differences.  Data should be available from  Andrews, Bonanza Creek, Cedar Creek, Coweeta, Juneau, Luquillo, Olympics.  Other sites welcome to join in the fun.  Basically there is a need to have enough spread in litter substrate quality that curves can be dceveloped for both sets of species. 



Working Group 5- Wood Decomposition (Non-dowel Wood)


Potential Authors: Harmon, Blair, Clinton, Nadelhoffer, Trofymow


Major Question: How does the decomposition of small natural pieces of wood compare to that extrapolated from fine litter studies?   The low nitrogen and high lignin content of woody substrates is used to explain their low decomposition rates.  Probably true to some extent, but what happens if one extrapolates the relationship between litter quality and decomposition rates from fine litter to small woody litter? 


General Approach: for each site with woody litter decompositon data develope a relationship between indices of  fine litter quality and decomposition of the LIDET litters.  Then use the chemistry of the small wood (<5 cm diameter) and these relationships to predict the amount of decomposition expected.  Compare this to the observed rates of decomposition.   


Expectation: The extrapolated decomposition rates will underestimate the actual amount of decomposition.  This is because wood decomposers can deal with a nitrogen depleted environment better than litter decomposers.  Also, lignin is the preferred substrate of a large set of wood decomposers.  This means they may not be subject to the same set of limitations (or at least to the same degreee). 


Possible Data Sets:


Andrews- Harmon data on 10 years of decomposition; Douglas-fir, silver fir, western hemlock, western redceadr; 1 and 2 cm diameter


Bonanza Creek-Yarie data on 10 years of decomposition; balsam poplar, birch, aspen


Coweeta-Crossely and Mattson 1-5 years of decomposition; several hardwood species including chestnut oak and tulip poplar


Harvard Forest-McClaugherty study with 5 years of data; red pine and sugar maple


Hubbard Brook-Gosz data on twigs, Fahey et al. small woody roots


Puerto Morelos-Harmon 4 years of data on 6 species of tropical hardwoods.  Local leaf litter decomposition data may exist (Dennis Whigham contact). 


Prediction of initial chemistry.  Will use NIR to predict chemistry in short-term.  Over long-term wet chemical analysis would be preferred. 


Working Group 6-Soil N & C Dynamics


Potential Authors:  Burke,  Baron, Blair,  Hart, McClellan,  Parton, Seastedt, Wedin


Working Title: “ The effects of environmental nitrogen availability on rates and

patterns of surface and buried litter decay”




The literature indicates that environmental nitrogen availability (e.g., inorganic N in bulk precipitation, fertilizer or from mineralization; but not initial N concentration) may have positive, neutral or negative effects on decomposition. We propose to address the following questions with the LIDET database:


1) Is the first component of decomposition (the labile fraction or decay observed the first season) stimulated by the presence of environmental nitrogen?


2) Is the subsequent rate of decay inhibited by the presence of environmental nitrogen?


Addressing the first question is complicated by interaction effects with other environmental variables.  We do not choose to directly address this question.  However, we will attempt to address the second question in a manner that does not completely distinguish between a positive result for questions 1 and 2 and a positive result for question 2, alone.  The following approach is suggested:


Mass loss observed between years four and five, expressed as percent of initial mass decay, will be divided by the decay observed during the first year of mass loss expressed in similar fashion.  This fraction will be expressed as a function of various indices of environmental nitrogen availability measured across the

LIDET gradient.


A second approach will be to fit models to a two-component exponential decay model.  In practice, the second component will be created by using percent of initial mass in years 2-5, finding an initial percentage for this component, then fitting the first decay curve [examples are numerous: Seastedt and Tate (1981) comes to mind].  The ratio of second component to first component decay rates will then be regressed against environmental nitrogen.


proposed procedure for analysis:

1) all litter

2) aboveground only (likely to be less effected by soil conditions)

3) belowground only (likely to be strongly affected by soil




Working Group 8- Climate Variability (annual versus seasonal)


Potential Authors: Parton?  Any others?


Outline to be developed. 


Working Group 9- Larger Ecosystem Context


Potential Authors: Currie, Baron, Burke, Gholz, Hart, Kaye,  Morris, Nadelhoffer


Working Title:  “Implications of LIDET data for ecosystem level functioning”


Begin with results of working group topic #1:  k values and asymptotes for each litter x site combination


Data:  Attempt to flesh out additional data from sites:


            CO2 efflux from soils (Currie will contact individual site personnell)

            soil C stocks (published literature; site contacts can help identify publications)

            litter inputs: aboveground (easy); belowground or ratio to above/below (harder to get).

            Climate drivers from selected sites, for modeling (aquire from Climate Central as needed)




            Focus on C cycle at ecosystem level. 

            What are differences between natural functioning within biomes?


                        E.g., turnover rate of recalcitrant fraction of SOM.

                        Identify amounts of “functionally refractory” material produced in each type of system.

                        Identify feedbacks between litter quality / site “quality” (as evidenced by decomp rate)

                        Relate production (independent estimates) to decomp rates


            What are sensitivities within each biome, of C cycling, to changes in litter or changes in climate?


            How robust are our results, to changes in the assumption of steady-state?




1.       Lump individual sites into terrestrial biomes: grassland, desert, temperate forest, boreal forest, tundra.

2.       Lump litter into broad quality classifications, based on initial litter chemistry.  The idea is that for studying natural ecosystem functioning in each biome, we need native litter and its decay, but LIDET data are sparse for native litters at their natural sites, so we will match non-native litters with similar litter quality broadly defined.

3.       Identify a single site within each biome for which more detailed data can be obtained, for more detailed study, potentially with a process model.



Working Group 10- Effect of mesh Size on Decomposition Rates


Potential Authors: Harmon, Halstead, Moorhead, Nadelhoffer, Schaefer,


Note: this will be developed as a small manuscript that will go in as a note or some other  short communication.

Author list based on the sites that recieved large and small mesh bags.   Ohers with interest and or data are welcome!


Working Group 11-Within versus Between Site Variability


Potential Authors: Hart, Blum, Kaye, Kratz


no outline recieved


Working Group 12/15- Grasslands & Low AET Sites


Potential Authors: Seastedt, Blair, Blum, Burke, Yarie, Zedler


Maximum variation in global patterns of soil carbon storage are observed at relatively low AET values (Meentemeyer et al 1985). Many low AET systems can be dominated by either grasses or woody

forms, depending upon the seasonality of precipitation, fire frequency and other biotic and abiotic constraints. Under conditions where these multiple plant life forms exist (here, simplified to "woody" vs "nonwoody" ecosystems), does decomposition exhibit different patterns for different ecosystem types?

Specifically, is decomposition more efficient under woody vegetation than under graminoid vegetation? (or, is carbon sequestration greater in soils of graminoid systems?)


Test:  Graph decay constants against cumulative AET.  Use an analysis of covariance to see if "woody" and "nonwoody" are significant variables affecting the slope of this relationship. (Note, if vegetation type affects overall decay, but not the slope of the cumulative AET curve, then only intercepts would be

different, which suggests some other interpretation is warranted.)



a) all litter

b) surface litter (not expected to show relationship. If a vegetation effect is identified, we hypothesize that this is the vegetation's affect on microclimate affecting the pattern.)

c) buried litter (expected to show relationship, as "factors affecting carbon stabilization" are suggested to be higher in nonwoody systems). 


Working Group 13-Tropical Site Comparison


Potential Authors: Schaefer, Molina, Nadkarni, Sollins, Wright


Doug Schaefer will be contacting the sites involved in this comparison.  No outline as of yet.


Working Group 14-Marsh and Wet Sites:Terminal Electron Acceptor Influence on Decomposition


Potential Authors: Blum, Morris


Note: these two authors will proceed on own, enlisting help as needed.



IV.  Other Manuscripts


A.  Bill Parton will be developing an analysis of the dowel data with emphasis on effect of environment on decomposition.   Hopefully this could be included in the set of manuscripts described above. 


B.  Daryl Moorhead is completing a manuscript on predicting the first 2 years of decomposition for two endpoint species at 4 endpoint sites. 


C.   Sandy Halstead and Eldor Paul are using wheat straw as a standard substrate and comparing its decomposition in differing environments.  This will be coupled with data from other broad-scale studies.  A presentation will be made this summer and hopefully a manuscript could be published. 


D.  Daryl Moorhead would like to analyze the first year of decomposition data in detail.  The outline for this paper was presented to the group during the workshop. 



V.  Workshop Participants


Note that names marked with a * were LIDET members unable to attend the workshop.  Their names are included for future reference.  All names without an email address listed can be reached via LTERNET.  tyoe the full last name, then the first initial, then  (e.g., Jill Baron is 


Jill Baron


Colorado State Univ.

Fort Collins, CO 80523 

phone: 970‑491‑1968

fax: 970‑491‑1965


John Blair

Division of Biology

Kansas State University

Manhatten, KS 66506

phone: 913‑532‑7065

fax: 913‑532‑6653


Linda K. Blum

Dept. Environ. Sci.       

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

phone: 804‑924‑0560

fax: 804‑982‑2137


Ingrid Burke


Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523

phone: 970 491‑1620

fax: 970‑491‑2156


Barry Clinton

Coweeta Hydrol. Lab

999 Coweeta Lab Rd.        

Otto, NC 28763

phone: 704‑524‑2128

fax: 704‑369‑6768



Bill Currie

The Ecosystem Center

Woods Hole MA 02543

phone: 508‑540‑3705 ext 7705

fax: 508‑540‑6902


Robert Edmonds

Coll. For. Res. AR10

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195

phone: 206‑685‑0953

fax: 206‑685‑7295



*Tim Fahey

Department of Natural Resources

Fernow Hall

Cornell Univesity

Ithaca, NY 14853


Henry Gholz

Department of Forestry

University of Florida

Gainesville FL 32611

phone: 352‑846‑0889



*Tom Gower

Department of Forestry

University of Wisconsin

1630 Linden Drive

Madison, WI  53706

phone:  608-262-0532

fax:  608-262-9922


Mark Harmon

Department of Forest Science

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR  97331

phone:  541-750-7333

fax:  541-737-1393


Sandy Halstead

Kellogg Biological Station

Hickory Corners, MI 49060

phone: 616-671-2512



Steve Hart

School of Forestry 

N. Arizona University 

Flagstaff, AZ 86011‑4098

 phone: 602‑523‑6637

fax: 602‑523‑1080


Timothy Kratz

Trout Lake Station

University of Wisconsin

Boulder Junction, WI 54512

phone: 715-356-9494

fax: 715-356-6866


Mike McClellan

Forestry Sci. Lab

2770 Sherwood Lane

Juneau, AK 99802

phone: 907‑586‑8811

fax: 907‑907‑586‑7848



Sandra Molina

Departmento de Biologia

Pontificia Univesidad Catolica de Puerto Rico

Suite 970

2250 Avenida has Americas

Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731-6382

phone: 809‑841‑2000 ext 641 or 289

fax: 809‑840‑4295

email:do not have email address


Daryl Moorhead

Department of Biology

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX 79409‑3131

phone: 806‑742‑1158

fax: 806‑742‑2963


Jim Morris

Baruch Institute

Univ. S. Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208

phone: 803‑777‑3948

fax: 803‑777‑4002



Knute Nadelhoffer

The Ecosystem Center

Woods Hole MA 02543

phone: 508‑548‑3705 ext 476

fax: 508‑457‑1548


*Nalini Nadkarni


The Evergreen State College

Olympia, WA 98505-

phone: 206-866-6000

fax: 206-866-6823




Bill Parton


Colorado State Univ

Fort Collins, CO 80523

phone: 970‑491‑1987

fax: 970‑491‑1965


*Eldor A. Paul

Crop and Soil Science

Michagan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

phone: 517-353-0262

fax: 517-353-5174


Douglas Schaefer

Terrestrial Ecology Division

PO Box 363682 

San Juan, PR 00936‑3682

phone: 809‑767‑0350

fax: 809‑758‑0815


Tim Seastedt


University of Colorado

Boulder, CO 80309‑0450

phone: 970‑492‑6302

fax: 970‑492‑6388


*Phil Sollins

Department of Forest Science

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR  97331

phone:  541-737-6582

fax:  541-737-1393


Tony Trofymow

Pacific Forestry Centre

506 West Burnside Road

Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5

phone: 604-363-0677

fax:  604-363-0797



Carl White

Department of Biology

University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM  87131

phone: 505-277-8689

fax: 505-277-0304


John Yarie

Forest Soils Lab

University of Alaska

Fairbanks, AK 99775 

phone: 303‑491‑8293



Dave Wedin

Department of Botany

University of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario

M5S 3B2

phone: 416‑978‑5807

fax: 416‑978‑5878


*Joseph Wright

Smithonian Tropical Research Center

Unit 0948

APO AA, FL 34002-0948

phone: 507-27-6022 (Panama)

fax: 507-32-5978 (Panama)



Paul Zedler

Biology Department

San Diego State Univ.

San Diego, CA 92182 

phone: 619‑594‑6328

fax: 619‑594‑5676
