
H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR (photo by Al Levno)


H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR (photo by Al Levno)


A comparison of decomposition rates derived from the chronosequence versus decomposition vector methods indicates that for three of the best-studied species (Abies concolor, Abies lasiocarpa, and Pinus contorta) the rates are within 40% (Tables 3 and 4).  Based on the standard errors of the chronosequence decomposition rates, an estimate of a decomposition rate within 20% of the chronosequence value would be viewed as equivalent. In the case of a constant loss of mass the two methods will give identical results (this was tested theoretically and against the HJAF time series).  However, when decomposition is not a constant proportion each year, that is it accelerates then slows down, the regression method may not detect the period of rapid mass loss.  This indicates that the average rates of decomposition estimated by both the chronosequence and decomposition vectors need to be taken as an approximation and a non-linear model with a changing decomposition rate may be required.  This could only be provided by a times series with multiple sample times (Table 5).  From this analysis it would be reasonable to assign uncertainty to the estimates in the following order:  decomposition vector>chronosequence>>time series.   

Based on all the likely estimates (reasonable sample size, preference for regression estimates, estimate value relative to similar species) of decomposition rates it would appear that the decomposition rate of tree boles examined could range an order of magnitude between 0.007 to 0.083 year-1 (Table 6).  The two highest rates were for Alnus, which ranged at the two sites it was examined from 0.055 to 0.083 year-1.  Abies at SQNP was estimated to have rates as high as 0.073 year-1 using decomposition vectors, but a long-term average for that site and species is more likely to be 0.051 year-1.  This would mean that the range for conifers is most likely to be from 0.007 to 0.051 year-1.   

The rates of decomposition estimated generally correspond to the general classes of decay resistance developed in forest products analysis (Table 7).  Conifer genera with very low decay resistance such as Abies had decomposition rates ranging from 0.023 to 0.051 year-1.  However, for other genera with low decay resistance, there was considerable variation with Picea ranging between 0.023 to 0.028 year-1 and yellow pines ranging between 0.011 and 0.042 year-1, and Tsuga being between 0.018 and 0.026 year-1.  The high range in yellow pines is suspect with the value for Pinus ponderosa likely underestimated.  Pseudotsuga and white pine species, which have moderate decay resistance, had decomposition rates ranging between 0.014 and 0.036 year-1.  The two genera with high decay resistance (Thuja and Calocedrus) had decomposition rates ranging between 0.007 and 0.02 year-1.   

In part the range in decomposition rates within the decay resistance classes is likely to be associated with variation in climates.  Plotting all the genera sampled at more than one site versus mean annual temperature indicates that there is a general increase in decomposition rate with temperature (Figure 7).  Abies, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, and Tsuga all exhibit some increase with temperature, whereas Picea does not.  The decrease with temperature in the latter genus may be related to the much wetter climate at the warmer site.  Discounting the one genus that exhibited decreased decomposition with increased temperature, it might be possible to make an adjustment for temperature using a Q10 factor (i.e., the relative increase with a 10 C increase in temperature.  Typically a Q10 of 2 to 3 is assumed in biological models.  For Abies the Q10 would be approximately 1.5 and for Pinus it would be 2.1 (Table 8). In contrast, for Pseudotsuga and Tsuga the Q10 was estimated to be 8.2 and 10.7, respectively.  The degree that differences in moisture is confounding the temperature relationship is not clear, but in the case of Pseudotsuga and Tsuga it is possible that, while the WREF site is slightly cooler than CHEF or HJAF, it is effectively much wetter.  A comparison of Alnus between CHEF and HJAF indicates that even with similar temperature, it is possible for a species to have very different decomposition rates.  In this case, it seems likely that the wetter climate at CHEF is decreasing the decomposition rate relative to HJAF.  The same pattern, although to a lesser degree, can be seen in Tsuga at these two sites.    

There are also differences suggesting that the organisms decomposing the logs have a large impact on decomposition rate.   For example, Abies consistently decomposes faster than Tsuga at a given temperature despite a very similar chemical composition and decay resistance.  This may be may be related to the type of fungi degrading these species as Abies seems prone to white-rot and Tsuga to brown-rot fungi.  At a minimum this indicates that early comparisons of climate effects that assumed Abies and Tsuga were similar are unlikely to be valid (e.g., Harmon et al. 1987).  


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