Andrews Forest Image Library


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HJ Experimental Forest Headquarters
the cafeteria
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-001
Discovery Tree at the Andrews forest
sensors measure temperature
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-002
Discovery Tree at the Andrews forest
sensor measures evapotranspiration
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-003
Instrumentation near the discovery tree at the Andrews forest
various under canopy temperature sensors
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-004
Pacific dogwood at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-005
Understory at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-006
HJ Experimental Forest Headquarters
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-007
Moth at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-008
Canopy Connections program at the Andrews forest
hard hats and materials for student participants in the Canopy Connections program
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-009
Understory at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-010
Climbing a tree at the Andrews Forest
the view from above
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-011
Climbing a tree at the Andrews Forest
the view from above
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-012
Canopy researcher at the Andrews Forest
Sarah Ward performs canopy research
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-013
Rufous hummingbird at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-014
Canopy Connections program at the Andrews forest
lines for tree climbing
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-015
Canopy Connections program at the Andrews forest
lines for tree climbing
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-016
Understory at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-017
Understory at the Andrews forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-018
Climbing a tree at the Andrews Forest
the view from above
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-019
Andrews Forest Primary Met Station (PRIMET)
various instrumentation for measuring weather
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-020
Field camera at the Andrews Forest
a camera that takes periodic photos to track changes in vegetation over time
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-021
A bearing tree within the Andrews Forest
bearing tree
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-022
Andrews Forest field researcher
graduate student mammologist, Marie Tosa
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-023
Camera trap at the Andrews Forest
a camera that is motion activated to capture images of mammals
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-024
Andrews Forest field researcher
graduate student mammologist, Marie Tosa
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-025
Moss on a stump at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-026
Andrews Forest field researcher
graduate student mammologist, Marie Tosa, baits for small mammals to study
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-027
Douglas fir trunk at the Andrews Forest
bark and moss on a Douglas fir tree
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-028
Road within the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-029
Old road at the Andrews Forest
the road is being reclaimed by the forest
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-030
Andrews Forest field researcher
graduate student mammologist, Marie Tosa, tracks small mammals with a radio device
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-031
Mack Creek stream gage at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-032
Mack Creek flume at the Andrews Forest
the flume allows measurements of stream flow
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-033
Mack Creek stream sampling at the Andrews Forest
the A15 chart is a backup to digital collections and measures stream stage height over time
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-034
lichen and moss at the Andrews Forest
moss and lichen can be indicators of a healthy forest
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-035
Rough-skinned newt at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-036
Moss at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-037
Mack Creek stream gage at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-038
Moss at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-039
A decomposing log at the Andrews Forest
this log is part of a 200-year log decomposition study
Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-040
Insect exclosures at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-041
Insect exclosures at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-042
Watershed 1 (WS01) gauge house at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-043
Watershed 1 (WS01) gauge house at the Andrews Forest

Photographed by Erika Zambello/LTER ..... Date: 5/16/2018 ..... Photo: AEF-044