Andrews Forest Image Library


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Dick Fredriksen
Dick Fredriksen at Carpenter Saddle, January 1962.
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 01/01/62 ..... Photo: AAA-001
Jerry Dunford
storage, gage, spot fire
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Unknown..... Photo: AAA-002
Ted Dyrness making soil measurements in lab
Ag Dept. before FSL was built
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 08/01/62 ..... Photo: AAA-003
Bottom of Watershed 10

Photographed by Rollie Geppert ..... Date: 07/18/79 ..... Photo: AAA-004
Tree canopy lecture and demonstration

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/17/79 ..... Photo: AAA-005
Kermit Cromack

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/17/79 ..... Photo: AAA-006
Jim Hall

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/19/79 ..... Photo: AAA-007
Phil Sollins in Reference Stand 2

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/18/79 ..... Photo: AAA-008
The evening lecture by Jerry Patcken, USFS Willamette NF

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/17/79 ..... Photo: AAA-009
Jim Hall at Mack Creek

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/19/79 ..... Photo: AAA-010
Jack Rothacker and wife (??)

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Unknown..... Photo: AAA-011
WS02 gauging station
Photographed by J. Rothacker ..... Date: 06/15/62 ..... Photo: AAA-012
Horace Justin Andrews
Regional Forester for Washington and Oregon during the late 1940's, was instrumental in establishing the experimental forest that bears his name.
Photographed by Vince Puleo ..... Date: 1944 ..... Photo: AAA-013
Dave Perry

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: late 80's?? ..... Photo: AAA-014
Jerry Franklin, Stan Gregory, Steve Eubanks

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: late 80's?? ..... Photo: AAA-015
Mark Harmon

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: late 80's?? ..... Photo: AAA-016
Stan Gregory

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: late 80's?? ..... Photo: AAA-017
Fred Swanson

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: late 80's?? ..... Photo: AAA-018
Chris Maser

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Unknown..... Photo: AAA-019
Jerry Franklin at WS01
Measuring streamflow with a velocity head rod. Flow about .80 to .15 cfs, gage height .030 to .040 feet.
Photographed by J. Rothacker ..... Date: 07/01/57 ..... Photo: AAA-020
Jerry Franklin

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-021
Bob Tarrant

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-022
Roy Silen

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-023
Art McKee

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-024
Ted Dyrness

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-025
Jerry Franklin, Max Geier, Martha Brooks, Bob Tarrant, Roy Silen, ?, Ted Dy

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-026
Group at Fire lookout on top of Lookout Mountain
Art McKee, Roy Silen, Martha Brooks, Bob Tarrant, Fred Swanson, Ted Dyrness, Max Geier, Al Levno, Jerry Franklin
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: Fall 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-027
Ghetto in the meadow

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 01/01/92 ..... Photo: AAA-028
Ghetto in the meadow

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 01/01/92 ..... Photo: AAA-029
Don Henshaw at Eco Informa Conference
ECO Informa Conference, Orlando, FL
Photographed by Hillary Swain ..... Date: 11/01/96 ..... Photo: AAA-031
Don Henshaw on the Santiam Airstrip Benchmark
Collecting high resolution GPS monument data
Photographed by Hazel Hammond ..... Date: 1992 ..... Photo: AAA-032
Don Henshaw on the Santiam Airstrip Benchmark
Collecting high resolution GPS monument data
Photographed by Hazel Hammond ..... Date: 1992 ..... Photo: AAA-033
LTER Information Management Executive Committee on San Diego State campus
(from left) Emery Boose, Peter McCartney, Helena Karasti, John Anderson, Kristin Vanderbilt, Barbara Benson, Susan Stafford, James Brunt, Karen Baker, John Porter, Don Henshaw
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 2002 ..... Photo: AAA-034
Susan Stafford at Information Management Executive Committee (IMEXEC) at Sa
San Diego Super Computer Center
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 2002 ..... Photo: AAA-035
Susan Stafford at Pingree Park

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 2001 ..... Photo: AAA-036
Susan Stafford at Sci2002 in Orlando, Florida

Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 07/01/02 ..... Photo: AAA-037
Swanson & Franklin @HJA
Fred Swanson and Jerry Franklin discuss the situation at a field site on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest during a "show-me" tour in 1997.
Photographed by Martha Brookes ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-038
Jack & Jean Rothacher
Jack (right) & Jean (2nd from left) Rothacher @ Blue River compound with Marty Fox and kids, 1958.
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 1958 ..... Photo: AAA-039
Blue River compound
Blue River Ranger Station compound, 1959.
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 1959 ..... Photo: AAA-040
Group interview, Carpenter L.
(from left) Martha Brookes, Max Geier, Roy Silen, Robert Tarrant, Ted Dyrness at the entrance to the Headquarters, at the start of a group interview conducted as part of the oral history project commissioned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the est
Photographed by Art McKee ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-041
Ted Dyrness and Jerry Franklin
Ted Dyrness (left) and Jerry Franklin at Carpenter Saddle, 1997.
Photographed by Art McKee ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-042
Franklin on Carpenter Mtn
Jerry Franklin on the path to Carpenter Lookout, 1997.
Photographed by Art McKee ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-043
group interview, Silen, Franklin, Tarrant
(from left) Robert Tarrant, Roy Silen, Jerry Franklin, Al Levno at Carpenter Lookout for Group Interview, 1997.
Photographed by Art McKee ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-044
Mike Kerrick (in group shot @ HJA)
Mike Kerrick (4th from right) at "show-me" tour on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest with a group from the Willamette National Forest.
Photographed by Martha Brookes ..... Date: 1997 ..... Photo: AAA-045
Shelter used during checks of water samplers (1978-85??) at Coyote Creek
The trailer has an interesting history in that it was the first one purchased by the Andrews EF back in 1958 (48 ft. Biltmore trailer). It was then located in the FS trailer court on the hill above the old BRRS. Jerry Franklin was the first occupant of that trailer back when he was just a grad student at OSU. It was used by all the early researchers when they came to work at the Andrews before there was a compound and buildings on site at HJA. After that we moved it the S. Umpqua and built the shelter over it to keep the snow from breaking in the roof. This picture was taken right before it was torn down and hauled off to the junk yard.
Photographed by Al Levno ..... Date: 1985? ..... Photo: AAA-046
Revegetation plot on fill slope with Ted Dyrness
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-047
Revegetation plot on fill slope with Ted Dyrness
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-048
Revegetation plot on fill slope
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-049
Revegetation on fill plot showing deer hoof prints
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-050
Revegetation plot on fill slope
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-051
Revegetation plot on fill slope with Ted Dyrness
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-052
Revegetation plot on fill slope with Ted Dyrness
Roadside seeding study; Watershed 1: Revegetation Plot
Photographed by Jack Rothacher ..... Date: 04/22/66 ..... Photo: AAA-053
WS #10 Trail Building

Photographed by Dick Waring ..... Date: 1960's? ..... Photo: AAA-054
Pressure Chamber

Photographed by Dick Waring ..... Date: 1960's? ..... Photo: AAA-055
Piezometers Drilling

Photographed by Dick Waring ..... Date: 1960's? ..... Photo: AAA-056
Horace Justin Andrews
The then Regional Forester, Horace Justin Andrews, was a strong supporter of forest research and was directly involved in selecting the location of the Experimental Forest near the community of Blue River, Oregon. After Mr. Andrew's untimely death in an automobile accident in Washington, D.C., the Experimental Forest was renamed in his honor in 1953.
Photographed by Unknown ..... Date: 1951 ..... Photo: AAA-057