I. Data Set Descriptors A. Title: Meteorological data from RS20 at the Andrews Forest. Variables include: air temperature, soil temperature from 01-Oct-2021 to 01-Oct-2022 B. Accession Number: N/A C. Description 1. Originator(s): Christopher Daly 2. Abstract: The current network of temperature measurement sites are designed to represent spatial variability of air and soil temperature in rugged mountain topography, and serve as second-level stations to capture specific microclimate temperatures in conjunction with a network of Benchmark Meteorological Stations (MS001). The air and soil thermograph network has been reduced from the historical network of 37 sites originally established. An original network of 19 sites (RS01-RS19) were established during the International Biome Program in the early 1970's. Emphasis on phenology, plant moisture stress, and leaf nutrient content led to extending this network of air and soil temperature measurement. A plant community classification system (Dyrness et al., 1971) was used as a primary means of stratification, and a set of permanent vegetation plots (Reference Stands) was installed to represent forest communities with distinct vegetation and hypothesized different environments (Dyrness et al., 1974). A thermograph network was installed within the reference stands in the early 1970's (Zobel et al., 1974), and vegetation standing crop, tree growth and mortality, and plant succession were also measured. The majority of these sites were established to monitor micro-meteorological data under the canopy. The purpose of this network was to provide air and soil temperature data for modeling photosynthesis, respiration, phenology, and decomposition, and to measure environmental gradients. 3. Study Type: Monitoring 4. Study Themes: 5. LTER Core Areas: 6. Georeferences: 7. Submission Date: D. Keywords: Air temperature, Climate data, Climate/Meteorology, Ecosystem monitoring, Environmental indexes and variables, Meteorology, Microclimate, Moisture stress, Reference stands, Soil temperature, Succession, Temperature growth index, Dew point temperature, Disturbance, Primary production II. Research Origin Descriptors A. Overall Project Description 1. Project Title: MS005 2. Principal Investigators: Name: Position: Organization: Address: City: State: Postal Code: Phone: Email: UserID: 3. Funding Period: to 4. Objectives: Characterize the microclimates for the range of elevations, aspects, and habitat types found within the Andrews Experimental Forest for plant production, simulation modeling and studies of microclimate/plant community structure relationships. Provide baseline data for all the studies utilizing the Andrews in conjunction with six Benchmark Meteorological Stations, and to monitor the effects of forest management and physiography on microclimate. 5. Abstract: 6. Funding Source: B. Sub-project Description 1. Site Description a. Geographic Location: Coordinates: b. Physiographic Region: c. Landform Components: d. Hydrographic Characteristics: e. Topographic Attributes: f. Geology, Lithology and Soils: g. Vegetation Communities: h. History of Land Use and Disturbance: i. Climate: 2. Experimental or Sampling Design a. Design Characteristics: Sites were originally selected from common and contrasting plant communities in established reference stands. The original 19 sites represent three vegetation zones and along environmental gradients of elevation and moisture. Other sites were added in the late 1970's with some original sites discontinued. The network was collapsed in the 1990's, and the current sites are primarily used for monitoring long-term changes in temperature. The following table summarizes general vegetation zones. b. Permanent Plots: c. Data Collection Duration and Frequency: Beginning of Observations: End of Observations: 3. Research Methods a. Field and Laboratory Methods: Originally, thermographs (later replaced with data loggers and thermistors) were installed in each reference stand to continuously monitor air and soil temperature. Air temperature was generally measured at 1 meter above the forest floor and insulated originally with an A-frame shield (later replaced with pvc-constructed shields). Many of the probes were moved to 3 meter heights in winter during the 1980's above snow level, and reinstalled at 1 meter for the summer. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, probes were established permanently at 1 meter above average winter snow level. Soil temperatures were measured nearby with probes buried at 20 cm depth (later, three probes were buried at 10, 20, and 30 cm at most sites). Generally, sites are visited and charts/CR10 records collected on a monthly basis. Other history: In 1987, Campbell Scientific CR-10 data loggers replaced 8 circular chart installations. On seven of these sites, soil temperature is now measured at three depths: 10, 20, 30 cm. On the other CR-10 site (RS13), additional air and soil probes were added in the adjacent meadow, and soil temperature is measured at 20 cm depth. In the summer of 1991, the chart installations were removed from theCR-10 sites (RS 2,4,12,13,14,20,24,26) where they were serving as a backup to the CR-10. All sites are under the forest canopy, with the exception of RS13 meadow site, and RS86, RS89, and TS38 which were clearcuts now overgrown (as of 1990's). Mean daytime air and soil temperatures were used to calculate a temperature-growth index (TGI). This index weighs the temperature by their relative effects upon growth of pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings in a controlled environment. This is intended to provide a representation of temperature more closely related to plant growth (Zobel et al. 1974). It is used as a uniform index to compare the plant communities measured, primarily in the 1970's. Plant moisture stress was measured until 1975 on saplings under the stand using a pressure chamber. The value (atmospheres) represents the negative of the pressure potential of the xylem sap. The value used is the greatest average stress recorded on a single date at each site. (Note: data is only available 1973-1976 and perhaps was developed by algorithm from earlier pressure bomb data). b. Protocols: c. Instrumentation: The original thermograph instrument was the Dual Recording Thermometer Model RFHTT. This instrument records temperatures from two separate locations (air and soil) simultaneously on a single chart. Each of the two thermometer mechanisms operate with a mercury-filled sensing bulb which expands or contracts in response to temperature changes and in turn moves the recording pen along the calibrated chart. To prevent interference between the two pens, the right-hand pen records 1/12 revolution behind the left-hand pen. The recorder uses 10 inch 30- and 31-day Partlow circular charts that have ranges from -30°F - 170°F or 20°F - 120°F. These original thermograph charts were replaced with Campbell Scientific data loggers ( typically CR10, CR21X, CR500, or CR23X) beginning in 1987. The temperature probes used with the data loggers were type T thermocouple soldered from thermocouple wire. These thermocouple wires have gradually been replaced through the late 1990-s with Campbell Scientific model 107 temperature probes (CS107B or CS107B-L) which include the Fenwal Electronics UUT51J1 thermistor. d. Taxonomy and Systematics: e. Speclies List: f. Permit History: 4. Project Personnel a. Personnel: b. Affiliations: III. Data Set Status and Accessibility A. Status 1. Latest Update: 05-Nov-2024 2. Latest Archive Date: 3. Latest Metadata Update: 05-Nov-2024 4. Data Verification Status: B. Accessibility 1. Storage Location and Medium: Stored at on media: 2. Contact Person: Name: Position: Organization: Address: City: State: Postal Code: Phone: Email: UserID: 3. Copyright Restrictions: 4. Restrictions: a. Release Date: Affiliates: , Public: b. Citation: c. Disclaimer: 5. Costs: IV. Data Structural Descriptors A. Data Set File 1. File Name: RS20_95_a_5min_2022.csv 2. Size: 105120 records 3. File Format: ASCII text (comma-separated value format) 3a. Delimiters: single comma 4. Header Information: 5 lines of ASCII text 5. Alphanumeric Attributes: 6. Quality Control Flag Codes: Q = questionable value, I = invalid value (out of range) 7. Authentication Procedures: 8. Calculations: 9. Processing History: Software version: GCE Data Toolbox Version 3.9.10 (23-May-2022) Data structure version: GCE Data Structure 1.1 (29-Mar-2001) Original data files processed: metdat query: SELECT * FROM RS20_95_Table105 WHERE LOGGERID = 95 AND TmStamp BETWEEN '2021-10-01 00:05:00.0' AND '2022-10-01 00:00:00.0' ORDER BY TmStamp ASC (105120 records) FINAL_AIRTEMP_QC4SIGMA_leap_ak.csv (8784 records) trunk_reference_airtemp_dateString.csv (8784 records) Data processing history: 05-Nov-2024: new GCE Data Structure 1.1 created ('newstruct') 05-Nov-2024: imported result set from SQL query on data source 'metdat' ('sql2struct') 05-Nov-2024: imported all documentation metadata from the template 'LNDB_RefStand_20', updating descriptors for columns Date, RecNum, LOGGERID, PROGID, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03, BATTERY_INST_0_0_01, AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 and BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 ('meta_template') 05-Nov-2024: updated 12 metadata fields in the Data, Dataset, Project, Status, Study section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: updated title ('newtitle') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'Site' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minute datetime columns added after column Date ('add_datepartcols') 05-Nov-2024: sorted by columns Month(ascending), Day(ascending), Hour(ascending) ('sortdata') 05-Nov-2024: performed a lookup join of columns Month, Day and Hour on columns Month, Day and Hour from a second structure, returning column(s) Site, Date, Year, Minute, RecNum, LOGGERID, PROGID, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03, BATTERY_INST_0_0_01, AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 and BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 from the first structure and column(s) FOURLO and FOURHI from the second structure (105120 rows) ('joindata') 05-Nov-2024: sorted by column Date(ascending) ('sortdata') 05-Nov-2024: imported all documentation metadata from the template 'LNDB_RefStand_20', updating descriptors for columns Date, RecNum, LOGGERID, PROGID, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03, BATTERY_INST_0_0_01, AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 and BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 ('meta_template') 05-Nov-2024: updated 12 metadata fields in the Data, Dataset, Project, Status, Study section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: updated title ('newtitle') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 05-Nov-2024: deleted columns Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, RecNum, FOURLO and FOURHI from the structure ('deletecols') 05-Nov-2024: converted values in all columns assigned QA/QC flag(s) I (invalid value (out of range)) to NaN/empty, locking and replacing existing flags with 'M': 1 records in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 ('nullflags') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_STDEV' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 and AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 to column(s) AIRTEMP_STDEV, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C flagging criteria applied for column(s) AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C flagging criteria applied for column(s) AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 to column(s) AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 to column(s) AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03' at position 1 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 and AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 to column(s) AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: imported all documentation metadata from the template 'tschecks_qc', updating descriptors for columns AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02, AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02, AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03 and AIRTEMP_STDEV ('meta_template') 05-Nov-2024: updated 1 metadata fields in the Data section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 05-Nov-2024: Units of column AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03 changed from '' to 'deg c'; Units of column AIRTEMP_STDEV changed from '' to 'deg c'; ('apply_template') 05-Nov-2024: Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03 changed from '' to 'data'; Variable Type of column AIRTEMP_STDEV changed from '' to 'data'; ('apply_template') 05-Nov-2024: Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03 changed from 'manual' to ''; Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03 changed from 'manual' to ''; Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02 changed from 'manual' to ''; Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03 changed from '[]' to ''; Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02 changed from '[]' to ''; Q/C Criteria of column AIRTEMP_STDEV changed from 'manual' to ''; ('apply_template') 05-Nov-2024: Descriptions of columns AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02, AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02, AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03 and AIRTEMP_STDEV edited; ('apply_template') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 to column(s) AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 and AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: copied QA/QC flags from column(s) AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 to column(s) AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 and AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, merging copied flags with any existing flags, and set QA/QC criteria for destination column(s) to 'manual' ('copyflags') 05-Nov-2024: converted values in all columns assigned QA/QC flag(s) I (invalid value (out of range)) or M (unspecified) to NaN/empty, locking and replacing existing flags with 'M': 1 records in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 ('nullflags') 05-Nov-2024: documented flagged and missing values in columns AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 and BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 as data set anomalies in the metadata ('add_anomalies') 05-Nov-2024: updated title ('newtitle') 05-Nov-2024: updated 1 metadata fields in the Dataset section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: updated title ('newtitle') 05-Nov-2024: updated 1 metadata fields in the Dataset section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: deleted columns AIRTEMP_DMOVVAR_02_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_03, AIRTEMP_MOVVAR_225_02, AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03, AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02, AIRTEMP_XDIFFS_02_03 and AIRTEMP_STDEV from the structure ('deletecols') 05-Nov-2024: deleted columns BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01, AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 and BATTERY_INST_0_0_01 from the structure ('deletecols') 05-Nov-2024: deleted column Date from the structure ('deletecols') 05-Nov-2024: added column 'Date' at position 2 ('addcol') 05-Nov-2024: flags for columns AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02, AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01, SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02 and SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03 converted to data columns, flag codes updated in metadata ('flags2cols') 05-Nov-2024: updated 6 metadata fields in the Data section(s) ('addmeta') 05-Nov-2024: updated 15 metadata fields in the Status, Data sections to reflect attribute metadata ('updatecols') 05-Nov-2024: parsed and formatted metadata ('listmeta') B. Variable Information 1. Variable Name: column 1. Site column 2. Date column 3. LOGGERID column 4. PROGID column 5. AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 column 6. Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 column 7. AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 column 8. Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 column 9. AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 column 10. Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 column 11. AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 column 12. Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 column 13. AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02 column 14. Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02 column 15. AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03 column 16. Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03 column 17. SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01 column 18. Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01 column 19. SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02 column 20. Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02 column 21. SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03 column 22. Flag_SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03 2. Variable Definition: column 1. Site code column 2. Round off corrected corrected serial date column 3. Logger ID column 4. Program ID column 5. Average air temperature column 6. QA/QC flags for Average air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", (AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02-AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02)>1="Q", (AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02-AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02)>1="Q", x>AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02="I", x50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", (AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03-AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03)>1="Q", (AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03-AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03)>1="Q", x>AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03="I", x50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", manual) column 11. Maximum air temperature column 12. QA/QC flags for Maximum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", manual) column 13. Minimum air temperature column 14. QA/QC flags for Minimum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", manual) column 15. Minimum air temperature column 16. QA/QC flags for Minimum air temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03: x<=-35="I", x>50="I", x<-18="Q", x>45="Q", flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V", flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I", isnan(x)="M", xFOURHI="Q", manual) column 17. Average soil temperature column 18. QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_10_01: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M") column 19. Average soil temperature column 20. QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_20_02: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M") column 21. Average soil temperature column 22. QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature (flagging criteria, where "x" is SOILTEMP_MEAN_0_30_03: x<-2="I", x>35="I", x<-1="Q", x>30="Q", isnan(x)="M") 3. Units of Measurement: column 1. column 2. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss column 3. none column 4. none column 5. deg c column 6. none column 7. deg c column 8. none column 9. deg c column 10. none column 11. deg c column 12. none column 13. deg c column 14. none column 15. deg c column 16. none column 17. deg c column 18. none column 19. deg c column 20. none column 21. deg c column 22. none 4. Data Type a. Storage Type: column 1. string column 2. string column 3. integer column 4. floating-point column 5. floating-point column 6. string column 7. floating-point column 8. string column 9. floating-point column 10. string column 11. floating-point column 12. string column 13. floating-point column 14. string column 15. floating-point column 16. string column 17. floating-point column 18. string column 19. floating-point column 20. string column 21. floating-point column 22. string b. Variable Codes: Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02: Q = questionable value Flag_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03: Q = questionable value Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02: Q = questionable value Flag_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03: Q = questionable value Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02: Q = questionable value Flag_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03: Q = questionable value c. Numeric Range: column 1. (none) column 2. (none) column 3. 95 to 95 column 4. 8311 to 8311 column 5. -9.87 to 39.7 column 6. (none) column 7. -9.9 to 39.6 column 8. (none) column 9. -9.81 to 39.94 column 10. (none) column 11. -9.83 to 39.84 column 12. (none) column 13. -9.94 to 39.45 column 14. (none) column 15. -9.97 to 39.35 column 16. (none) column 17. 0.8 to 20.61 column 18. (none) column 19. 1.118 to 19.95 column 20. (none) column 21. 1.656 to 18.47 column 22. (none) d. Missing Value Code: NaN 5. Data Format a. Column Type: column 1. text column 2. text column 3. numerical column 4. numerical column 5. numerical column 6. text column 7. numerical column 8. text column 9. numerical column 10. text column 11. numerical column 12. text column 13. numerical column 14. text column 15. numerical column 16. text column 17. numerical column 18. text column 19. numerical column 20. text column 21. numerical column 22. text b. Number of Columns: 22 c. Decimal Places: column 1. 0 column 2. 0 column 3. 0 column 4. 1 column 5. 3 column 6. 0 column 7. 3 column 8. 0 column 9. 3 column 10. 0 column 11. 3 column 12. 0 column 13. 3 column 14. 0 column 15. 3 column 16. 0 column 17. 4 column 18. 0 column 19. 4 column 20. 0 column 21. 4 column 22. 0 6. Logical Variable Type: column 1. nominal (none) column 2. datetime (none) column 3. nominal (discrete) column 4. nominal (continuous) column 5. data (continuous) column 6. coded value (none) column 7. data (continuous) column 8. coded value (none) column 9. data (continuous) column 10. coded value (none) column 11. data (continuous) column 12. coded value (none) column 13. data (continuous) column 14. coded value (none) column 15. data (continuous) column 16. coded value (none) column 17. data (continuous) column 18. coded value (none) column 19. data (continuous) column 20. coded value (none) column 21. data (continuous) column 22. coded value (none) 7. Flagging Criteria: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. x<1="Q" column 4. flag_valuechange(x,0.1,0.1,1)="P" column 5. x<=-35="I";x>50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";(col_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02-col_AIRTEM P_MEAN_225_0_02)>1="Q";(col_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02-col_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02)>1="Q";x>col_ AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02="I";x50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";(col_AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03-col_AIRTEM P_MEAN_225_0_03)>1="Q";(col_AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03-col_AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03)>1="Q";x>col_ AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03="I";x50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";manually-assigned flags column 10. none column 11. x<=-35="I";x>50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";manually-assigned flags column 12. none column 13. x<=-35="I";x>50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";manually-assigned flags column 14. none column 15. x<=-35="I";x>50="I";x<-18="Q";x>45="Q";flag_valuechange(x,6.5,6.5,1) ="V";flag_valuechange(x,8,8,1) ="I";isnan(x)="M";xcol_FOURHI="Q";manually-assigned flags column 16. none column 17. x<-2="I";x>35="I";x<-1="Q";x>30="Q";isnan(x)="M" column 18. none column 19. x<-2="I";x>35="I";x<-1="Q";x>30="Q";isnan(x)="M" column 20. none column 21. x<-2="I";x>35="I";x<-1="Q";x>30="Q";isnan(x)="M" column 22. none C. Data Anomalies: Converted values in all columns assigned QA/QC flag(s) I (invalid value (out of range)) to NaN/empty, locking and replacing existing flags with 'M': 1 records in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03. Converted values in all columns assigned QA/QC flag(s) I (invalid value (out of range)) or M (unspecified) to NaN/empty, locking and replacing existing flags with 'M': 1 records in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03. The value of one record in AIRTEMP_DFDIFF_02_03 is missing for date 10/01/2021. The value of one record in AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_03 is missing for date 10/01/2021. The value of one record in AIRTEMP_FDIFF_225_02 is missing for date 10/01/2021. Values of 15 records in AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_02 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/19/2021, 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/27/2022, 08/31/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/11/2022. Values of 16 records in AIRTEMP_MEAN_225_0_03 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/26/2022, 08/27/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/07/2022, 09/11/2022. Values of 15 records in AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_02 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/19/2021, 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/27/2022, 08/31/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/11/2022. Values of 16 records in AIRTEMP_MAX_225_0_03 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/26/2022, 08/27/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/07/2022, 09/11/2022. Values of 15 records in AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_02 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/19/2021, 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/27/2022, 08/31/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/11/2022. Values of 16 records in AIRTEMP_MIN_225_0_03 were flagged as Q (questionable value) for dates: 10/24/2021, 01/22/2022, 04/01/2022, 04/18/2022, 08/09/2022, 08/22/2022, 08/23/2022, 08/26/2022, 08/27/2022, 09/04/2022, 09/07/2022, 09/11/2022. The value of one record in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 was flagged as M (undefined flag) for date 10/03/2021. Values of 105120 records in AIRTEMP_CHECK_225_0_03 are missing for dates: 10/01/2021-10/01/2022. Values of 105120 records in SOILTEMP_CHECK_0_10_01 are missing for dates: 10/01/2021-10/01/2022. Values of 105120 records in BATTERY_CHECK_0_0_01 are missing for dates: 10/01/2021-10/01/2022. V. Supplemental Descriptors A. Data Acquisition 1. Data Forms: 2. Form Location: 3. Data Entry Validation: B. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures: C. Supplemental Materials: D. Computer Programs: E. Archival Practices: F. Publications: G. History of Data Set Usage 1. Data Request History: 2. Data Set Update History: 3. Review History: 4. 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