Profile Number: 8 Series: FLUNKY/ZANGO Location: MIDDLE ROAD IN WS 3, JUST OUTSIDE WS 3, H.J. ANDREWS E.F. Classification: LITHIC DYSTROCHREPTS, LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, MESIC Slope: 50 % Aspect: NW Elevation: 2400 ft. Landform: RIDGE SHOULDER Drainage: WELL DRAINED Parent Mat.: RESIDUUM FROM BASALT Vegetation: TSHE/RHMA/GASH ASSOCIATION Description: STEPHENS- TYPE LOCATION 7-26-62 O1 1 - 0 in. Needles, twigs, cones, etc.. A 0 - 9 in. Dark brown (7.5YR3/4) when moist very gravelly heavy loam; moderate, very fine to fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet; 65% gravel, cobbles, and stones; gradual and wavy boundary. C&R 9 - 20 in. Dark brown (7.5YR3/2) when moist very stony light clay loam; weak to moderate, very fine to fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet; 80% gravel and stones; abrupt and irregular boundary. R 20+ in. Fractured basalt bedrock.