Profile Number: 375 Series: UNNAMED Location: OHANAPECOSH R., MT. RAINIER N.P., AO03, PIT 1, MT. RAINIER N.P. Classification: Slope: 30 % Aspect: E Elevation: 2820 ft. Landform: DEBRIS FAN Drainage: WELL DRAINED Parent Mat.: VOLCANIC ASH AND ALLUVIUM Vegetation: ABAM/OPHO ASSOCIATION Description: NORGREN & DYRNESS 9-5-95 O1 .75 - 0 in. Twigs, needles, etc. (L and F layers). A 0 - 2 in. Dark brown (10YR3/3) when moist sandy loam; weak, fine granular structure; loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 10% gravel; common fine and medium roots; abrupt and smooth boundary. BIR 2 - 2.5 in. Dark reddish brown (2.5YR2/4) when moist silt loam; massive structure; very friable when moist, nonsticky and slightly plastic and smeary when wet; discontinuous horizon; common fine and medium roots; abrupt and broken boundary. C 2.5 - 4.5 in. Dark brown (7.5YR3/3) when moist silt loam; massive structure; friable when moist, nonsticky and slightly plastic and smeary when wet; few fine and medium roots; abrupt and wavy boundary. 2C 4.5 - 8 in. Yellowish brown (10YR5/6) when moist very coarse sand; single grain structure; loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; pumice ,discontinous horizon; few fine and medium roots.; abrupt and broken boundary. 3A 8 - 9 in. Black (7.5YR2/0) when moist silt loam; single grain structure; discontinuous horizon, posssibly of fire origin; commmon fine and medium roots; abrupt and broken boundary. 4A 9 - 12 in. Dark yellowish brown (10YR3/4) when moist very gravelly loamy sand; single grain structure; loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 35% gravel 10% cobbles, alluvium; common fine and medium few coarse roots; gradual and wavy boundary. 4BIR 12 - 25 in. Yellowish red (5YR4/8) when moist very gravelly loamy sand; single grain structure; loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 45% gravel 30% cobbles, 5% stones; few fine, medium and coarse roots; gradual and wavy boundary. 4C 25 - 40 in. Dark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) when moist very stony loamy sand; single grain structure; loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 45% gravel 30% cobbles, 5% stones; few roots; abrupt and wavy boundary. 5A 40 - 48+ in. Strong brown (7.5YR4/6) when moist loam; massive structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, nonsticky and slightly plastic and very smeary when wet; 10% cobbles, charcoal, volcanic ash (mazama?); few coarse roots.