Profile Number: 340 Series: LAPINE Location: PRINGLE FALLS EXP. FOR., LOOKOUT BUTTE, LO 2, PRINGLE FALLS Classification: Slope: 23 % Aspect: S Elevation: 5380 ft. Landform: SMOOTH SLOPE, MIDDLE 1/3 Drainage: WELL DRAINED Parent Mat.: MAZAMA PUMICE Vegetation: ABCO/CACH/CHUM COMMUNITY Description: NORGREN & DYRNESS 8-24-95 O1 2 - 0 in. Twigs, needles, etc. (L and F layers). A1 0 - 3 in. Very dark brown (10YR2/2) when moist loamy sand; weak, fine granular structure; soft when dry, loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; abundant fine, common medium roots; clear and smooth boundary. AC 3 - 11 in. Brown (7.5YR4/4) when moist loamy coarse sand; single grain structure; soft when dry, loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 10% fine pumice gravel, abundant mycelia; abundant fine, medium and coarse roots; gradual and wavy boundary. C 11 - 24 in. Yellowish brown (10YR5/6) when moist gravelly coarse sand; single grain structure; soft when dry, loose when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 20% very fine pumice gravel; common fine, medium and coarse roots; clear and smooth boundary. 2A 24 - 32 in. Strong brown (7.5YR4/6) when moist light sandy loam; weak, medium subangular blocky structure; soft when dry, very friable when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 5% gravel, volcanic ash; abundant fine, medium and coarse roots; gradual and wavy boundary. 2B 32 - 44 in. Brown (7.5YR4/4) when moist stony heavy sandy loam; weak, coarse granular structure; soft when dry, very friable when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 10% gravel,35% cobbles and stones; common fine, medium and coarse roots; gradual and wavy boundary. 2C 44 - 58+ in. Dark yellowish brown (10YR3/4) when moist very stony fine sandy loam; single grain structure; soft when dry, very friable when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 20% gravel, 50% cobbles and stones; few fine and medium roots.