Profile Number: 13 Series: MCKENZIE RIVER Location: 200 YDS. S OF UNIT L 402, H.J. ANDREWS E.F. Classification: ULTIC HAPLUDALFS, FINE-SILTY, MIXED, MESIC Slope: 15 % Aspect: E Elevation: 2500 ft. Landform: UNEVEN SLOPE Drainage: WELL DRAINED Parent Mat.: RESIDUUM AND COLLUVIUM FROM REDDISH BRECCIA Vegetation: OLD-GROWTH PSME,TSHE Description: STEPHENS- TYPE LOCATION 7-12-62 O1 0.5 - 0 in. Leaves, twigs, needles, etc.. A1 0 - 5 in. Pinkish gray (7.5YR6/2) when dry, dark brown (7.5YR3/2) when moist very gravelly shotty loam; weak, fine to medium granular structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet; 80% gravel and shot; clear and smooth boundary. A3 5 - 8 in. Light yellowish brown (10YR6/4) when dry, dark brown (7.5YR3/4) when moist gravelly clay loam; moderate to strong, very fine to fine granular structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, slightly sticky and plastic when wet; 50% gravel and shot; clear and smooth boundary. B1 8 - 12 in. Light brownish gray (10YR6/2) when dry, dark brown (7.5YR3/4) when moist clay loam; moderate, very fine to fine to medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, sticky and plastic when wet; 10% gravel, broken clay skins; clear and smooth boundary. B21T 12 - 18 in. Very pale brown (10YR7/4) when dry, dark brown (7.5YR3/4) when moist silty clay loam; moderate to strong, very fine to fine to medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, sticky and plastic when wet; trace of stones, broken clay skins; gradual and smooth boundary. B22T 18 - 29 in. Brown (7.5YR4/4) when moist silty clay loam; moderate to strong, very fine to fine to medium angular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, sticky and plastic when wet; trace of stones, distinct clay skins; gradual and smooth boundary. B3 29 - 38 in. Matrix of reddish brown (5YR4/4) and mottles of brown (7.5YR4/4) when moist silty clay loam; moderate, fine to medium angular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, sticky and plastic when wet; trace of stones, patchy clay skins; clear and smooth boundary. C 38 - 50+ in. Strong brown (7.5YR4/6) when moist silty clay loam; massive structure; slightly hard when dry, friable when moist, sticky and plastic when wet; 60% weathered tuffaceous stones.