Profile Number: 104 Series: FRISSELL? Location: GRIFFITHS PLOT 11C, H.J. ANDREWS E.F. Classification: PACHIC HAPLUMBREPTS, FINE-LOAMY, MIXED, MESIC Slope: 10 % Aspect: NW Elevation: 1780 ft. Landform: ALLUVIAL FAN Drainage: WELL DRAINED Parent Mat.: ALLUVIUM Vegetation: TSHE/POMU-OXOR ASSOCIATION Description: NORGREN & DYRNESS 6-22-94 O1 .75 - 0 in. Mostly moss remains. A1 0 - 7 in. Dark brown (10YR3/3) when moist gravelly sandy loam; weak, medium granular structure; very friable when moist, nonsticky and nonplastic when wet; 25% rounded gravel; abundant fine, medium, and coarse roots; gradual and smooth boundary. A3 7 - 13 in. Very dark grayish brown (10YR3/2) when moist loam; weak, medium granular structure; very friable when moist, nonsticky and slightly plastic when wet; abundant fine and medium and common coarse roots; clear and smooth boundary. B2 13 - 23 in. Dark brown (10YR3/3) when moist light clay loam; weak, fine subangular blocky structure; friable when moist, slightly sticky and plastic when wet; 10% gravel; common fine, medium, and coarse roots; clear and smooth boundary. B3 23 - 56 in. Brown (10YR4/3) when moist clay loam; massive structure; friable when moist, slightly sticky and plastic when wet; lenses of gravel, charcoal layer; few roots; clear and smooth boundary. C 56 - 120 in. Dark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) when moist light silty clay loam; massive structure; friable when moist, slightly sticky and very plastic when wet; scattered pumice,5% gravel; very few roots.