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Hysterangium coriaceum (left), Hysterangium crassirhachsis (rt)
Peridium: (outside wall) color is white with buff
to pink tones, it can crack and easily peel off.
Resembles a hard rubber ball when squeezed.
Gleba: (inside spore mass) various shades of gray,
gelatinous, clear gelatinous or rubbery area is
the columella or remnants of what has evolved from
a stipe or stalk. Habitat: commonly found under
duff during spring and fall in Douglas-fir
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 4/7/94 ..... Photo: AAX-001
Rhizopogon parksii
Peridium: (outside wall) slightly roughened, tan
to brown to dark brown. Resembles a firm sponge
when squeezed. Gleba: (inside spore mass) tan to
light brown when young to dark brown when mature,
with small spore-bearing chambers. Habitat:
commonly found under duff during the fall in
Douglas-fir forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 10/86 ..... Photo: AAX-002
Radiigera taylori (top) immature
Peridium: (outside wall) smooth, white to pinkish
when immature (top) then darkening to buff to dark
tan when matures (bottom). Fairly firm when
squeezed. This photo shows the thickness and
separation of the inside wall when cut in half.
Gleba: (inside spore mass) white to buff when
young (top), darkening with age (bottom) and
finally powdery. Habitat: usually found under
duff during spring in conifer forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 3/3/93 ..... Photo: AAX-003
Radiigera taylori (bottom) mature
Peridium: (outside wall) smooth, white to pinkish
when immature (top) then darkening to buff to dark
tan when matures (bottom). Fairly firm when
squeezed. This photo shows the thickness and
separation of the inside wall when cut in half.
Gleba: (inside spore mass) white to buff when
young (top), darkening with age (bottom) and
finally powdery. Habitat: usually found under
duff during spring in conifer forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 3/3/93 ..... Photo: AAX-004
Gautieria monticola
Peridium: (outside wall) bumpy or rough and gray
to brown in color. Can resemble a porous-looking
rock and is fairly firm when squeezed. Gleba:
(inside spore mass) tan to brown in color, large
spore-bearing chambers, gelatinous columella
(remnant of what has evolved from a stipe or
stalk). Habitat: commonly found under duff during
spring in conifer forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 8/15/92 ..... Photo: AAX-005
Truncocolumella cirtrina
Peridium (outside wall) smooth, pale yellow to
yellow in color. Resembles soft sponge when
squeezed. Gleba: (inside spore mass) off white
with light yellow streaking (sterile material)
when young, with age darkening to gray, dark olive
and eventually black when mature. Yellow, spongy
columella. Habitat: usually found under duff
during the fall in conifer forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 8/15/92 ..... Photo: AAX-006
Leucogaster rubescens
Peridium: (outside wall) off white to grayish
brown, rough and lumpy. Firm when squeezed.
Gleba: (inside spore mass) white to off-white,
produces a white or clear latex when cut, has
large spore-bearing chambers that yellow with age.
Habitat: Usually found under duff during the
spring in conifer forests.
Photographed by M. A. Castellano ..... Date: 8/15/92 ..... Photo: AAX-007
Elaphomyces granulatus
Peridium (outside wall) tan to brown or orange
brown in color, thick, warty or roughened, and
very firm when squeezed. Gleba: (inside spore
mass) grayish when young, turning black and
powdery with age. Habitat: found under duff in
the spring or fall in conifer forests.
Photographed by W. Muller ..... Date: 5/29/96 ..... Photo: AAX-008
Hydnotrya variiformis
Peridium: (outside wall) light buff to tan to
orangish tan, convoluted or in-folded, usually
with a hole. Firm when squeezed. Gleba: (inside
spore mass) hollow, spores form on the inside of
the peridium, usually light tan in color.
Habitat: usually found in the spring, fruiting in
decomposing wood or logs in conifer forests.
Photographed by W. Muller ..... Date: 5/29/96 ..... Photo: AAX-009