Site Meteorological Measurements


Site description: Near valley bottom; Habitat type Tshe/Rhma/Bene

Map elevation: 490 meters

(No GPS data for this point.)

Aspect: 285 degrees Slope: 22 degrees



Measurement period:: 19700501 - Present


Daily Variables:
17 Apr 1970 to 27 Dec 1972:
Mean, max, min sunrise to sunrise temperature
Mean daytime, mean nighttime temperature
27 Dec 1972 to 06 Oct 1974:
Mean sunrise to sunrise temperature
Mean, max daytime temperature
Mean, min nighttime temperature
06 Oct 1974 to 26 Oct 1974:
Mean, max, min daily (midnight to midnight) temperature
Mean, max, min daytime temperature
Mean, max, min nighttime temperature
Time of max, time of min for daily, daytime, nighttime
26 Oct 1974 to 19 Jan 1981:
Mean sunrise to sunrise temperature
Mean, max daytime temperature
Mean, min nighttime temperature
21 Jan 1981 to 05 Jan 1987:
Mean, max, min sunrise to sunrise temperature
Mean daytime, mean nighttime temperature
05 Jan 1987 to 13 Mar 1998:
Mean, max, min daily (midnight to midnight) temperature
Mean, max, min daytime temperature
Mean, max, min nighttime temperature
Time of max, time of min for daily, daytime, nighttime
13 Mar 1998 to Present:
Mean, max, min daily (midnight to midnight) air temperature
Daily time of max, time of min

Fine Resolution Variables:
13 Mar 1998 to Present:
Mean hourly air temperature

Sensor height: 100 cm
225 cm (repositioned 911001)

Notes: Before 27 Dec 1972, daytime length was determined for the 15th of the
month, and used for the entire month. After this time, an algorithm
was developed to determine daily day length. Changes in measured
temperature parameters were due to changes in the digitizing program
used to process chart data. All daily summaries are based on a
sunrise to sunrise day before 05 Jan 1987.
Beginning 05 Jan 1987, a true daily summary is available due to the use
of a revised digitizing program. The revised program produces output
similar to the CR10 dataloggers used for thermographs.
On 03 Jul 1987, a CR10 datalogger is installed. The Partlow chart
recorder was maintained until 31 May 1990 as a backup, and then removed.
Daytime/nighttime calculation discontinued on 13 Mar 1998.




Measurement period:: 19700501 - Present


Daily Variables:
01 May 1970 to 05 Jan1987:
Mean sunrise to sunrise temperature only
05 Jan 1987 to 13 Mar 1998:
Mean, max, min daily (midnight to midnight) temperature
Mean, max, min daytime temperature
Mean, max, min nighttime temperature
Time of max, time of min for daily, daytime, nighttime
13 Mar 1998 to Present:
Mean, max, min daily (midnight to midnight) soil temperature
Daily time of max, time of min

Fine Resolution Variables:
13 Mar 1998 to Present:
Mean six-hourly soil temperature

Sensor depth: 20 cm
10, 20, 30 cm (after 03 Jul 1987)

Notes: Soil temperature was digitized on a sunrise to sunrise basis.
After 07 Jan 1987, a true daily summary is available due to the use
of a revised digitizing program. The revised program produces
output similar to the CR10 dataloggers used for thermographs.
On 03 Jul 1987, a CR10 datalogger is installed, and additional soil
depths at 10 and 30 cm are added. The Partlow chart recorder
was maintained until 31 May 1990 as a backup, and then removed.