Solar Radiation (PAR) Sites

Site Maps


CENMET (Solar Radiation (PAR))

Site description: Clearcut Nov 1986, natural regeneration

Latitude: 44-14-36 Longitude: 122- 8-30 Elevation (MSL): 1018 meters

Aspect: 260 degrees Slope: 12 degrees

Measurement period: 19980123 - Present


Daily Variables:
23 Jan 1998 to Present:
Mean and max daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
Time of max

High Resolution Variables:
23 Jan 1998 to Present:
Mean PAR in 15 minute intervals

Sensor height: 627 cm

Notes: Max solar radiation is based on instantaneous micromoles per second per square meter, and
the time of max is accurate to the minute.
It is common for solar radiation sensors to read negative at night (-1 to -7). Negative nighttime
readings are changed to 0. The daily values average in these negative values, creating a minor
error in the daily values.