Early patterns of heterotroph activity in conifer logs

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Conference Proceedings
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Carpenter, Steven E.; Harmon, Mark E.; Ingham, Elaine R.; Kelsey, Rick G.; Lattin, John D.; Schowalter, Timothy D. 1988. Early patterns of heterotroph activity in conifer logs. In: Watling, R.; Lyon, A.; Boddy, L., eds. Fungi and ecological disturbance: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh mycological symposium; University of Sheffield, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland: Royal Society of Edinburgh: 94B: 33-43.


Findings from the first two years of a long-term study of conifer log decomposition are presented. Logdecomposition is regulated by the physical and chemical states, and development of decomposerfoodwebs. The functional group with the greatest initial effect on the log is the channelisers. represented inour study by ambrosia and hark beetles. They not only create multitudes of channels into the logs butvector the initial decomposer community. Ambrosia beetles exclude certain elements of the decomposercommunity from channels until they vacate the log, at the end of their reproductive phase. The foodwebduring the early stages of decomposition includes nitrogen-fixing and other bacteria, fungi, protozoa.nematodes, and arthropods. Seasonal fluctuations of temperature and moisture are hypothesised to workin tandem to modulate the activities of the decomposer community.