Harr, R. Dennis; Levno, Al; Mersereau, Roswell. 1982. Streamflow changes after logging 130-year-old Douglas-fir in two small watersheds. Water Resources Research. 18(3): 637-644.
Timber harvest in two small watersheds in western Oregon containing 130-yr-old timber increasedannual water yield up to 42 cm. For 4 years after logging, yield increases averaged 38 cm at a 13.0-haclearcut watershed and 20 cm at a 15.4-ha watershed where timber was shelterwood cut. Increasedsummer flows were indicated by much fewer low-flow days after logging, particularly at the clearcutwatershed. During the 1977 drought year, only eight and two low-flow days occurred at the clearcutand shelterwood cut watersheds, respectively, compared to 143 and 135 low-flow days predicted bythe calibration relationship. Neither the size nor the timing of peak flows changed significantly afterlogging at either watershed.