Karlstrom, Leif; Klema, Nathaniel; Grant, Gordon E.; Finn, Carol; Sullivan, Pamela L.; Cooley, Sarah; Simpson, Alex; Fasth, Becky; Cashman, Katharine; Ferrier, Ken; Ball, Lyndsay; McKay, Daniele. 2025. State shifts in the deep Critical Zone drive landscape evolution in volcanic terrains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 122(3): e2415155122. doi:https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2415155122
Understanding the near-surface environment where atmospheric and solid earth processes interact, often termed the ?Critical Zone,? is important for assessing resources and building resilient societies. Here, we examine a volcanic landscape in the Oregon Cascade Range, an understudied Critical Zone setting that is host to major regional water resources, pervasive silicate weathering, and significant geohazards. We leverage a bedrock age chronosequence to show that the volcanic Critical Zone undergoes a structural shift, from depth extents of >1 km to meters, over timescales of ?1 My. We map an active groundwater volume comparable to major continental lakes, stored at the Cascade Range crest. This state shift makes volcanic landscape evolution a unique probe of deep coupling between Earth systems. Volcanic provinces are among the most active but least well understood landscapes on Earth. Here, we show that the central Cascade arc, USA, exhibits systematic spatial covariation of topography and hydrology that are linked to aging volcanic bedrock, suggesting systematic controls on landscape evolution. At the Cascade crest, a locus of Quaternary volcanism, water circulates deeply through the upper ?1 km of crust but transitions to shallow and dominantly horizontal flow as rocks age away from the arc front. We argue that this spatial pattern reflects a temporal state shift in the deep Critical Zone. Chemical weathering at depth, surface particulate deposition, and tectonic forcing drive landscapes away from an initial state with minimal topographic dissection, large vertical hydraulic conductivity, abundant lakes, and muted hydrographs toward a state of deep fluvial dissection, small vertical hydraulic conductivity, few lakes, and flashy hydrographs. This state shift has major implications for regional water resources. Drill hole temperature profiles imply at least 81 km3 of active groundwater currently stored at the Cascade Range crest, with discharge variability a strong function of bedrock age. Deeply circulating groundwater also impacts volcanism, and Holocene High Cascades eruptions reflect explosive magma?water interactions that increase regional volcanic hazard potential. We propose that a Critical Zone state shift drives volcanic landscape evolution in wet climates and represents a framework for understanding interconnected solid earth dynamics and climate in these terrains.