Garman, Steven L.; Cole, Eric K. 1999. Vertebrate habitat relationships data bank (VHRDB). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. 77 p.
We performed four types of species-habitat analyses using existing VHRDB data sets. Analysesconsisted of; 1) a habitat-use assessment of general vegetative cover types, 2) logistic-regressionmodeling of species' occurrence as a function of stand-level habitat variables, 3) correlation assessment of dead wood and relative abundance of species, and 4) a multivariate ordination of species and stand-level habitat variables. Each analysis was performed separately by provence (i.e., Oregon Coast Range, western Oregon Cascade Range) and by taxonomic group (birds, small mammals, amphibians/reptiles). Methods for each analysis are presented below followed by provence-taxa results. Studyids of data sets, sample sizes, and habitat variables used in anassessment are reported as part of the results. Discussions of results emphasize general trends inhabitat associations.
We originally proposed to perform landscape-level evaluations of species-habitat relationships using stand-location data and synoptic cover maps from TM satellite imagery. However, bothtechnical issues and funding constraints have limited this effort. For the status of ongoing spatial assessments, contact S. L. Garman.